Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

My young Ameraucana cockerel (Susan Mouw x Paul Smith lines) is a bit of a 'baby' at times, but he has a protective streak in him. Any time I pick up any of the girls he dashes toward me and gives me the evil eye while scolding me for bothering one of 'his' girls. Even the eight week old chicks that were recently integrated get the same level protection from Garfunkel as the big girls. Today, a 'free-ranger' got close to the run and Garfunkel made him back off. When my coonhound got near the coop/run the other day, Garfunkel herded the girls away.

@Saris Your boys may have been 'babies' but I'm sure they did something to protect the girls. Maybe they tried to flock them away and were made into easy targets because they were at the back of the group (closest to claws and teeth), or perhaps they stood tall and sounded the alarm so the girls knew to get away. I am glad that you still have some of your birds. It could have been worse.
Check with your local game officials on "predators doing or about to do damage" to livestock, and then check your local firearms laws. If you are not able to dispatch the predator by the most efficient method, a wildlife trapper can remove those that are around right now. You will need to educate your neighbor on not leaving cat food out at night, and if she persists then follow up with ordinance enforcement if necessary (attracting vermin/bating wildlife).
From what I can find I can only use lethal methods after a series of preventative things including an electric fence and other stuff. I will likey try trap and kill it quietly instead of using a .22 or something. My uncle has a crossbow.....
My young Ameraucana cockerel (Susan Mouw x Paul Smith lines) is a bit of a 'baby' at times, but he has a protective streak in him. Any time I pick up any of the girls he dashes toward me and gives me the evil eye while scolding me for bothering one of 'his' girls. Even the eight week old chicks that were recently integrated get the same level protection from Garfunkel as the big girls. Today, a 'free-ranger' got close to the run and Garfunkel made him back off. When my coonhound got near the coop/run the other day, Garfunkel herded the girls away.

@Saris Your boys may have been 'babies' but I'm sure they did something to protect the girls. Maybe they tried to flock them away and were made into easy targets because they were at the back of the group (closest to claws and teeth), or perhaps they stood tall and sounded the alarm so the girls knew to get away. I am glad that you still have some of your birds. It could have been worse.
I've had young birds run up to me when I was petting or picking up my pullets before which is why I think the boys were being protective.
Laws are different in my area. If there is an animal, wild or domestic, attacking or harassing any livestock on your property you have the right to use lethal force. i have lost chicks and chickens to neighbor's dogs and chose not to kill, but they always come back. The wild animals I have no problem doing away with.
In your case, a live trap seems to be the best case. Best of luck to you!
Laws are different in my area. If there is an animal, wild or domestic, attacking or harassing any livestock on your property you have the right to use lethal force. i have lost chicks and chickens to neighbor's dogs and chose not to kill, but they always come back. The wild animals I have no problem doing away with.
In your case, a live trap seems to be the best case. Best of luck to you!
Wild or domestic...the 3 Ss are Shoot, Shovel and Shut up.
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I live in town and have killed more than 20 **** raccoons. I have an extensive fruit tree orchard in my backyard and it draws in the raccoons. A .22 caliber good pellet rifle does the trick every time. Heck, I have killed many with my .177 but wouldn't advise that. I mostly use the .177 when they are in a trap. It is really too light. One shot with a pellet rifle and nobody would think twice. Having been a bow hunter for much of my life, I would not use a cross bow. In my opinion much more dangerous as to where the arrow might go after going through the animal or ricocheting and going where you wouldn't want it to go.
I can't either, no shooting in the village and I live a few blocks from the police department. SSS doesn't work for everyone. (But the crossbow is a really good idea.)
If "shoot" doesn't work for some there are alternatives as you and others mentioned...after that the shovel and shut up should work for most.

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