Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

We'd most likely end up drowning it. Not my preferred method, but if we can get it trapped I sure as heck am not going to try and get a full grown live raccoon out of a trap to dispatch it. I can fill a big rubber tub with water and drop it in with rocks on top. Or maybe bring it out to the woods and shoot it in the cage. Depending on time of day and what not. I am not practiced with a gun or a bow to really want to shoot at it unless it's up close, I wouldn't want to miss.

I can get behind the shovel and shut up part though. hahah
I can get behind the shovel and shut up part though. hahah
Good one. I would be surprised if you only had one raccoon coming around. Almost every time I had one I had more and as many as five. If you have a neighbor that is feeding them, they are used to making the rounds through the neighborhood.
So sorry @Saris . That really stinks. It makes me mad to hear about predators that kill a bunch of livestock only to leave uneaten bodies.
I get that they have to eat and that's why they come around but why are they just killing. I hope you get the little bugger (want to use a different term but it's not appropriate). Hope the rest of the flock is doing okay.
We'd most likely end up drowning it. Not my preferred method, but if we can get it trapped I sure as heck am not going to try and get a full grown live raccoon out of a trap to dispatch it. I can fill a big rubber tub with water and drop it in with rocks on top. Or maybe bring it out to the woods and shoot it in the cage. Depending on time of day and what not. I am not practiced with a gun or a bow to really want to shoot at it unless it's up close, I wouldn't want to miss. 

I can get behind the shovel and shut up part though. hahah

Where we live if you use a trap animal control will come pick it up and take it out into the forest to relocate. Not the most popular choice but probably the most humane. If not possible then I would shoot it. Drowning sounds not right to me though.. I don't know why it just seems mean...
Where we live if you use a trap animal control will come pick it up and take it out into the forest to relocate. Not the most popular choice but probably the most humane. If not possible then I would shoot it. Drowning sounds not right to me though.. I don't know why it just seems mean...

I would have to agree......... with drowning the animal would be panicked and I die slower. All of God's creatures should be treated with respect and if it comes down to dispatching an animal I think it should be the quickest and most humane way possible. I hate taking a life but we are in the same boat with a fox problem..... and should we eat wrap it or catch it in the act a shotgun will be put into play?
I would have to agree......... with drowning the animal would be panicked and I die slower. All of God's creatures should be treated with respect and if it comes down to dispatching an animal I think it should be the quickest and most humane way possible. I hate taking a life but we are in the same boat with a fox problem..... and should we eat wrap it or catch it in the act a shotgun will be put into play?

I mean should we trap it.....darn talk to text! LoL
Where we live if you use a trap animal control will come pick it up and take it out into the forest to relocate. Not the most popular choice but probably the most humane. If not possible then I would shoot it. Drowning sounds not right to me though.. I don't know why it just seems mean...

It is against the law to trap and then release back into the wild these pests. If you think about it the logic is that somewhere near where you are releasing the pest there is someone living that will inherit your problem. I once had a cat that wasn't very smart that inadvertently got hauled 35 miles and left (it was sleeping in a covered boat that was taken in for service). That cat took 6 weeks but managed to return to our house. I bet animals that are taken much shorter distances will likely return and become pests again. Kern
:hugs :hugs
Thank you all for your kind words. One Splash Wheaten girl came home this morning. My Wheaten boy is the last one unaccounted for. It looks like my cockerels gave their lives so the girls could escape 4 of the dead are boys. Until my missing Wheaten comes home I'm left with 1 Chocolate boy and 1 Splash Wheaten boy. Clearly they com from protective stock. My one dead girl was my little runt who was finally catching up. Fly high pretty birdies.

Edited to add I found the body of my last boy.

I have 8 survivors thank the stars. 6 girls and 2 boys. 

So sorry for your losses!! :hugs

Hope you eliminate the problem... in whatever means necessary...

Where we live if you use a trap animal control will come pick it up and take it out into the forest to relocate. Not the most popular choice but probably the most humane. If not possible then I would shoot it. Drowning sounds not right to me though.. I don't know why it just seems mean...

It is against the law to trap and then release back into the wild these pests.  If you think about it the logic is that somewhere near where you are releasing the pest there is someone living that will inherit your problem.  I once had a cat that wasn't very smart that inadvertently got hauled 35 miles and left (it was sleeping in a covered boat that was taken in for service).  That cat took 6 weeks but managed to return to our house.  I bet animals that are taken much shorter distances will likely return and become pests again.  Kern


That's what I was gonna say... unfortunately, not everyone has access to a tool for a quick and easy death... or has laws against using said tool where they live... while drowning is not my preference it is quicker than many of the chickens deaths the predator caused... body parts being pulled through small openings is not exactly quick and painless... :/
It is against the law to trap and then release back into the wild these pests.  If you think about it the logic is that somewhere near where you are releasing the pest there is someone living that will inherit your problem.  I once had a cat that wasn't very smart that inadvertently got hauled 35 miles and left (it was sleeping in a covered boat that was taken in for service).  That cat took 6 weeks but managed to return to our house.  I bet animals that are taken much shorter distances will likely return and become pests again.  Kern

It's not against the law where we live and I guess we just live far enough out in the country that if animal control takes them they don't come back. They also don't become someone else's problem because there are no people. I'm thinking you must live in a neighborhood or near a city? Just a guess because we don't have those problems here... I'm not trying to be rude so I hope I don't seem that way. It's just not how you described where I live. Lots of livestock here also.

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