Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

This is the rusty red coloring I was asking about. Does it always mean cockerel?

The one looking straight at the camera is a girl. The one up front could be a girl or a boy. Check out the red on my EE pullet. I was told that the 'red' is actually mahogany. She hasn't laid an egg yet, but ALL the boys from her batch have are crowing for awhile now and she has no 'rooster feathers' as I like to call them.


Got these from a breeder, told me they were blue Ameraucanas but the more research I'm doing I think he got it wrong... :/
Does the middle one have Splash cockerel coloring?

and I think the one on the right is a BW boy, but the tan breast is throwing me off. Anyone have a BW boy with a light chest before?

Can anyone tell me if this is a he or she I was told it was a hen but she sure makes a lot of crowing noises in the morning

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