Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds


A friend had a bad mishap with a hatching box and this was the sole survivor. I picked this baby up last night and it became immediate friends with my sizzle, frizzle and silkies who are all the same age.
Well any day now I should be getting an egg from one of these 2 ladies,



then I have another splash and black juveniles.



Here is my Blue roo he got a leg injury a few months ago and still has a bit of a limp but is a good boy /img/smilies/smile.png



And here is my Buff he has filled out a lot more and his tail is now full and beautiful. I had him for sale but no one bought and I am now wondering if I should breed him a bit before selling him.

I have 3 ameraucana chicks, how can I tell what color they will be when full grown?I never had any before so I'm clueless
I respectfully disagree. From over 35 years of breeding Ameraucanas I find them "overall" as docile as the breeds that you list (that I'm familiar with) and not jittery, jumpy or skittery (?). Within the breed I would say that buffs, both bantams and large fowl, are the calmest and silvers, both bantams and large fowl the flightiest.

Yes, that's exactly what I said. EEs and Amer's are good birds to put w/ docile breeds because of EE and Amer kind temperaments. I find them one of the best temperaments to have in a backyard flock of docile breeds. Most of the Am varieties are sweet but feedback has been mostly that Wheaten/Blue Wheaten are one of the sweetest/calmest. But guess it depends on the environment and breeder too. Thx for your input
. My friend and I found them quite jittery jumpy but after lay they seem to settle down and actually "purr" when held.
I respectfully disagree.  From over 35 years of breeding Ameraucanas I find them "overall" as docile as the breeds that you list (that I'm familiar with) and not jittery, jumpy or skittery (?).  Within the breed I would say that buffs, both bantams and large fowl, are the calmest and silvers, both bantams and large fowl the flightiest. 

X2 I raise BBS
one is really gray mostly and fluffy cute the other has more of a brownish I guess
Junebuggena is right about them probably not being standard Ameraucanas if no variety was mentioned by the seller.
You can review the photos of the different recognized varieties of Ameraucana day-old chicks on our Ameraucana website's Ameraucana Photos page ( ).
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A friend had a bad mishap with a hatching box and this was the sole survivor. I picked this baby up last night and it became immediate friends with my sizzle, frizzle and silkies who are all the same age.

Should be a sweet tempered bird to put w/ sizzles, frizzles, and Silkies. Glad you could give it a good home.
Dear ones, l have a girl, she has a fluffy black beard, cheeks and a black tail, with black and copper mid body feathers. I figured EE, but she just started, at year 1, this spring, to produce light teal blue eggs. The sweetheart. Can EE's give blue eggs, if there is an Ameracuana in the wood pile?

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