Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

I believe I already spoke (typed) to you on your auction for bbs bantams. I have decided I would like to find someone who is offering a mix of the lighter Ameraucanas' (Blue Wheaton, Buff, as well as Lavs) eggs, as I mentioned above.

If I cannot find anyone with the three various gorgeous colorations I want, then I will most definitely order a half dozen of your mother's Lav's eggs
I love the blue eggs you have.
Thanks! I will let you know what's going down when I figure it out!

To anyone else: whatttta you got!?
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What would a lavender roo produce with blue and black hens?

As a pure novice to chickens and this breed, I'm culling my first order of straight run blues and blacks. I am still learning the breed standard. My birds are probably pet quality
which doesn't stop me from enjoying them
though I've learned the breeder charged too much

So I intend to retain a blue roo. Someone gave me a lovely lavender lf rooster, and he'll stay, too. He's from John Blehm. Albert is 4 months. My batch is 5 weeks.

I haven't had any luck hatching shipped eggs this time of year because of the heat they're exposed to during shipping....but then I'm in the South and it's 100 degrees here. Since you're much farther North you might try finding some from someone that's also up North, or buying local. Good luck!
I have 33 brand new fuzzy butts! A friend hatched some of them for me since they wouldn't all fit in my Brinsea 20.

There are 30 Lavender and Black/Lavender split Ameraucanas and 3 Wheaten Marans. I KNOW I won't have room for all these once they start growing up, so after I pick out a few for myself I'll be making deals, lol! They all look like quality chicks if I do say so myself......but I owe that to Jean and John B.

I can imagine that they eggs would be damaged a tad... I want to find someone who has the birds first and THEN get my eggs. If this is sooner than later, I will be happy. However I am obviously willing to wait an extra month (or however long) to ensure safe shipment and quality birds.

Any recommendations on breeders would be greatly appreciated.

Again, variations I am seeking are BW, Buff, and Lavs. (Bantams only) Thanks!
I can imagine that they eggs would be damaged a tad... I want to find someone who has the birds first and THEN get my eggs. If this is sooner than later, I will be happy. However I am obviously willing to wait an extra month (or however long) to ensure safe shipment and quality birds.

Any recommendations on breeders would be greatly appreciated.

Again, variations I am seeking are BW, Buff, and Lavs. (Bantams only) Thanks!

Jean (pips&peeps) has most or all of those varieties in large fowl, and I think she may in bantams as well, and she's in WA, but there are others I'm sure.
I can imagine that they eggs would be damaged a tad... I want to find someone who has the birds first and THEN get my eggs. If this is sooner than later, I will be happy. However I am obviously willing to wait an extra month (or however long) to ensure safe shipment and quality birds.

Any recommendations on breeders would be greatly appreciated.

Again, variations I am seeking are BW, Buff, and Lavs. (Bantams only) Thanks!

You're going to need alot more than 6 eggs shipped if you want 6 chicks. Your best bet would be to order chicks and sell any extras. Most breeders that do sell chicks sell them straight run, so if you don't want a bunch of roosters you'll have to grow them out for a while.

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