Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

So, "the guy" told me both of these Ameraucana pullets are wheaton. The light one has blue showing through and the dark one is pretty black with some brown on her wings. I guess I don't understand 'wheaton'! Will they look similar when grown except for the blue?? This pic is also showing off my very first Isa Brown pullet that my son wants to name Johnny Quest!

Candled eggs today on day 14 threw out 26 L.F. Silver Eggs My fears came true my BEST cock is infertile
The worst is my back up cock had a mishap month and half ago aaaahhhhh. So much for goal of hatching out at least 100 silver chicks for next year breeders
At least i still got 26 Blue LF Wayne Meredith eggs and 17 Black developing nicely, and talked to the breeder my silvers came from and got a trio coming 1 of June. This years lesson don't think your BEST is really your Best until your eggs hatch and don't let them free range til after breeding season if EVER!!!!!! sometimes i guess we just have to follow God's plan instead of our's. Happy easter everyone and may we all remember the real reason for the celebration tomorrow
Sorry, I'm still learning about these chickens. What makes you say that these look like EE? Is it the dark markings on the face of the lighter one? I saw the parents and the hens looked like the pics I'm seeing on the Ameraucana Breeders page. I think the roo looked like he's supposed to but the males and females look so dissimilar that it's hard for me to tell for sure. I'm sure since you have experience with them, you're right but the pictures I've seen haven't convinced me that they're EE. Thanks for any info you can give!

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