Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

I just hatched a batch of silver eggs and am wondering if anyone has had luck with sexing these based on chick down. From what I've read, the wild-type chick down should make it possible to determine gender, but the example given was for brown leghorns. Since those males don't feather out like Silver Ameraucanas, I'm not sure it would work.

I can try to answer for you.
I had a silver Ameraucana and you could not tell sex until they are fully feathered. Sorry, it would be nice if you could tell with the chick down.
These are supposed to be true Ameraucana, he's got BBS birds. I haven't talked to him directly, the info came through someone else who knows him. They're only about 3 wks old. Any clues as to whether they're Ameraucana or EE's by looking at them? The 1st picture is the chest feathers coming in. Although the tips may not be any indication of anything. I also didn't think BBS would have markings of any kind. I do have actual Lavender Ameraucanas just a few days older than these guys but these guys are way bigger than the Lavenders. Do Lavenders run small?

The first chick looks like an easter egger to me. Could have had a fence hopper too....

Lavenders do run a bit small, but you shouldn't be able to see that much of a difference in young chicks.
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The first chick looks like an easter egger to me. Could have had a fence hopper too....
Lavenders do run a bit small, but you shouldn't be able to see that much of a difference in young chicks.
Yep, I'm wondering the same. It's all or nothing so if one is colored wrong then all 3 are in my mind. search for Wheaten/Blue Wheaten is on then. That's the color I'd originally wanted anyway.
I'm having a hard time getting close enough to this broody hatched and raised 6 week old black AM to take a good picture, but I'm hoping AM experts can help me determine its sex.
How can I tell at this age whether it's a roo or pullet? Or do I have to wait longer?

Here are some of the best shots if they will help.

My son trapped the chick at the fence and I checked it's comb. There is a single pea comb line and it's very short. Also the feathers around the neck appear to be rounded. Unfortunately I didn't have my camera nearby. So do you think she or he? I got her as hatching eggs from BYCer mrheinz77.
Hi, I have 5 black Ameraucana's 3 hens 2 roos. They have been laying eggs for about 2 weeks? and the eggs are green. Will they ever turn blue or they should start out blue? Are they considered EE if the eggs are green? Thanks for any answers, let me know if you want pics.
Hi, I have 5 black Ameraucana's 3 hens 2 roos. They have been laying eggs for about 2 weeks? and the eggs are green. Will they ever turn blue or they should start out blue? Are they considered EE if the eggs are green? Thanks for any answers, let me know if you want pics.

When my BBS started laying their eggs were a pretty green, but they have moved more to blue, though I still see a hint of green. The eggs in my avatar are from my BBS. My perception of Ameraucana eggs must be different than most people. My DH says he doesn't see any green tint.

I have pics on this link of my BBS eggs:
I just hatched a batch of silver eggs and am wondering if anyone has had luck with sexing these based on chick down. From what I've read, the wild-type chick down should make it possible to determine gender, but the example given was for brown leghorns. Since those males don't feather out like Silver Ameraucanas, I'm not sure it would work.
It is impossible to sex by down color in my eyes. But I have a theory that the bright silvery downed chick's feather in cleaner (still just a theory, I am watching closely and time will tell) than the yellowish downed chick's (hen's with less shafting & better stippling/ Rooster with brighter silver and less brassiness). Once they start to feather though you should notice some with wider (more distinct)black stripes and some with thinner (finer) black stripes going across the feathers with stippling. Usually the ones with the wider/darker stripes end up being cockerels in my experience. Really becomes noticeable with age (of the chick I am not that old YET :lol: ). If I was more computer savvy I could try and upload picture. Unfortunately I am not there yet, It takes a little time to distinguish the difference and I personally still don't cull at that age. I wait until they are fully feathered to cull for being a cockerel or pullet. They change so much when getting adult plumage especially the cockerels hard to tell exactly how clean they will be (at least for me it is). I still like to guess and then mark them and watch what they grow up to be and see if I am right. I do cull for a lot of other things along the way though (crooked toes, beaks, and now size) I have heard some where about the stripes coming all the way to the eyes or something but can never remember how or if it really works. You outta just let the breeder you got the eggs from send you some more to make sure you get plenty of the pullets/cockerels you want ;) I almost bet they would be free lol

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