
6 Years
Apr 28, 2013
Winton, North Carolina
i am looking into getting some Ameraucanas. And I don't know really anything about them expect they lay blue eggs. Any information on them that you have would be helpful thanks. I really want coloration names.
For starters, make sure you know the difference between Ameraucanas and Easter Eggers. A lot of hatcheries market their Easter Eggers under the label Ameraucana (often misspelled as Americana or Americauana) and unsuspecting buyers who don't know any better purchase them thinking they are getting true Ameraucanas, when they are in fact buying EE hybrids. As far as I know, Meyer Hatchery is the only major hatchery that sells true Ameraucanas (they breed Blue Ameraucanas). There is a good article explaining the difference between Ameraucanas, Araucanas, and Easter Eggers at Good luck in getting your true Ameraucanas.
Check out
They have pictures of every color variety that is accepted into the SOP, and therefore "showable". As mentioned, there are differences between show varieties and what is available cheaply from hatcheries. The ones from hatcheries lay eggs of many colors, mostly various shades of bluish green. They are great layers though, probably better as layers than the "true" Ameracaunas that are featured on the ABC website. My logic in saying that is that hatcheries select for a lot of eggs, since they make money off those eggs (which they hatch). Breeders that are striving for show birds make egg production a lesser goal.

You will need to decide which you want, but expect to pay a lot more for pure stock of course.

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