
He's got polish, brabanters or crevecoeurs in there somewhere, they have those pointy combs.

This guy has mutt chickens and is trying to pass them off as something special. If they ever breed true, then he might have the weirdest looking little devil chickens around, but that is probably a long way off.

Can you PM me with this guys site? I would like to gander at these weirdo birds.......
I don't always know what the hello I am talking about...
I'm still pretty new to a lot of this myself. But we all have to start somewhere!!

I can highly recommend Jean for eggs/birds. I have several gorgeous chicks I hatched from her several weeks ago--and yes, the eggs were very nice! You won't be disapointed in the egg color if you want some layers for your egg business. And your kids could get some nice show birds out of the deal, too.

I'm hoping to get some eggs from Lisa Cree later this year, too, to go with my birds from Jean.
Can't go wrong there, either.

Those are some interesting looking roosters, but I think that they are interesting looking mutts. That's fine for backyard layers, but like we've all said, you aren't going to be able to show any of them. The first one looks like an EE...the second, I don't even know where to start!

Don't be afraid of incubation--just go into it knowing that you will sometimes have disapointments, that you won't always have great hatches--and you'll be fine!! You can be very successful at hatching. It really is a nice way to get good stock. I can't always justify spending the money to have chicks shipped. It's not that it isn't worth it for quality stock, it's just that I have a lot of other things going on (I show horses and breed goats, too....oh, and I'm a mom
) so shipped hatching eggs is a very reasonable way to go.

ETA: Hey, would you mind PM'ng me that site, too?? Inquiring minds want to know!!!
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Thanks Chrunchie!

I have horses and am seriously contemplating breeding dwarf nigerians.
We bought a couple whethers for our kids this spring and I fell in love with them and now I am thinking goats milk and chevre and chickens!

Okay. You guys convinced me tonight. I am going to get an incubator and do this right.

And Chrunchie, I have 3 kids 6, 8 and 9 and work full time. (well I have the summer off, as I work in a school) So, I very much get the schedule you speak of.

And thanks for recommending Jean.
I have Nigerians. They are the best!! Not that I'm biased or anything...

I only have one child. I can't wrap my brain around 3! Maybe later.
I work 2 jobs, but I get to work from home most of the time--I am very lucky in that regard. I actually should be working right now....but chickens are just so much more interesting than the document in front of me!

This site is a really wonderful resource for incubation/hatching (well, you probably already know that)! And I imagine your kids would really enjoy the experience, too.
Would you mind pm-ing me the website as well. I want to know exactly what he is trying to sell because I am oh so confused.

I would agree with everyone else though. I would contact a breeder that has what you want and get on a list for eggs or chicks.
This is one of those rare threads where all the advice is sound.

Always start with the best stock you can. As a wise woman once told me, if you're going to feed it and care for it, you may as well enjoy looking at it.
Looks like he has a long way to go... but it is interesting. Seems like he has a plan in mind for breeding. But, I only see F1 birds in his pics... he's a LONG ways off from developing something that will breed true.

I say.... if you like what he is doing and think you want to participate. Go for it! But don't expect much out of it
Do it for the novelty of it all.... not because he's going to develop some new breed that will be all the rage
I get an egg a day from my blue wheaton/ wheaton ameraucana girls and I am getting some egg laying bbs ameraucana and BC marans from whitmore farm here in Maryland. If I do end up getting a LF rooster I will get an ameraucana and not get breeder culls but good hens from him. I may also end up with bbs LF hens and a bantam lavender or black rooster but will not sell eggs he would be just eye candy
and for chicks of my own.


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