American Baptists - I need your input/exprieinces please

And while I appreciate the lively discussion about other religions altogether, not to offend anyone
, but it is the experiences and practices of other American Baptist churches I'm looking for.

Another member is collecting information from our Region and Area ministers, my charge is to find out about other "not close to us" congregations.
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Keep in mind, he is not turning them away, he is baptising them and welcoming them to worship & learning here . . . . just not be on the membership roll.

If your Baptist church runs like ChickiKat (I think she said Southern Baptist) then it is a slap in the face to those people to not be considered members, yet go through the ritual of becoming a member. It could definitely turn them away for good.

I think it will too. I think he'll scare people away with a judgement like that. I wouldn't have the heart to go to a church like that. There are only 2 kinds of "people" that I will permit to judge me. A real Judge and the Man upstairs. No one else has that right and to think otherwise will get someone into some BIG trouble, in my book.
bet the new preacher will take their tithe money. hope that didnt sound cynical, but this preachers decisions are not very warm and open in my opinion...
Jesus didn't turn away the woman at the well because of the lifestyle she was living. He envited her to come drink the living water. Same way with the woman that was going to be stoned to death. You love and accept them where they are, and then do your best to help them decide a better way. In the end, it is up to the individuals in question to make the decision to change, not the pastors.

Being a pastor's son, I can tell you, give someone an ultimatum, do this or we don't want you never goes over well.
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The pastor and deacons would say that they are loving them and accepting them by baptizing them, and doing their best to help them decide a better way. . . . . . and when they do, their name will be added to the membership roll.
In the long run, if they are accepting Jesus Christ into their hearts they will be on the super membership list. I just hope they can find an accepting church where they can learn and fellowship and grow as Christians.
The conservative Baptists (of which I am one) still hold to fundamental principles that govern our daily lives and the church.

I guess the point would be that it is a Biblical principle to not let people join themselves to the local church if they are living in open contradiction to God's commands. By living together, they are not following that.

A church should NEVER, ever turn away someone from worshipping the Lord with them. It is simply the principle of letting that person actually join themselves to that church.

The entire churches testimony can hang in the balance on one person living in sin. Either a choice must be made to follow Christ's commands, or not. Like I said, it would be just wrong to turn someone away, however. Can we imagine our Lord turning away someone because of their sin? No! So many times in His ministry, he reached out to those whom others would despise and reject. This is to be our attitude as Christians.

So my answer would be, Salvation, yes. Baptism, maybe. Serving the Lord in church, yes. Church membership, no until they make the decision to either marry or live separate.

Couples attending our church are not required to present a marriage
license for our inspection.

Neither do we require that you present your child's birth certificate.

But for the sake of discussion, by what bible verses does a church (any church)
require a marriage license?

I know my wife and I have one, issued by the state of Ohio I think. I haven't
actually looked at it for years. But I have it. I remember going to the courthouse
and buying it. Didn't go to church to buy it, and it was not issued by a church.

Nor were we married inside a church.

But we are married by the laws of the state of Ohio.

Asking a simple question...does every other country in the world also require
a marriage license? I don't know.

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