American serama thread!

What a great hatch. You have some beautiful patterns. They are adorable! I had one similar to your mostly black chick in the second pic. Her name is Stumpy. She turned out to be a beautiful not-quite-black color. Maybe she would be called blue black(?) because the feathers are dark blue and shade to black at the edges. I will have to get a grown up pic and post again. Looks like she has more yellow on the breast than yours. Juvenile Stumpy is on the far right. All the white is gone now. Hope you can post more and show us how yours turn out.
I just love the red ones!
last ones I swear. I have 12 babies total. 3 are blue ameracauna bantam/ serama from bhep. They lay blue eggs. I can already tell a couple are frizzle. I lost my smallest baby yesterday.
Seramas are crazy at changing color
This is one of my babies. She was golden yellow at hatch then she got some really dark brown feathers and now at 6mos is really white


Exactly 1 month old today! I think it is safe to call this little one a roo, yeah? I didn't manage to hatch any other eggs, so I don't have anyone to compare him to, but even his face skin is red beneath the fluff.


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