American serama thread!

i am though because i didnt see this happening right infront of me and i didnt connect the two until it was to late. and what really sucks? im not getting a deal on the seramas like last time. everyone selling them either 1) doesnt ship 2) wants an arm and a leg for them or 3) will only sell to SCNA members

Thanks. I have a few black and whites like that from the breeder in north FL. Also have one from her that looks cuckoo. Have another black/white mottled hen and a tan/white mottled roo from other breeders that I hatched out last year. I just love them and all of the different colors!
@ Jessshan : I was having quite the time of trying to hatch seramas, I dont have the money some do to shell out 25 dollars per chick to start. I never asked for any either but, Jesse did see the longing in my words and he jumped up and did every thing he could to make it happen. It started with free eggs, then an incubator , hand made and gave with well wishes, and now more eggs. My new bator is great and holding steady ! All of this was done for a stranger, purely from the heart. All that was required from me was a request to pay it forward or "pass it on". Since i am physically disabled I am doing the next best thing. I am using my words to encourage others . If you see someone struggling and you can help, lets do it. help me to fulfill my promise to Jesse Please. It doesnt need to be something big, Maybe in line at the store someone behind you only has a couple things and you have a buggy full, let them in, or, an elderly person is struggling to load the car, help them out. even if you do this every chance you get, can you please do it again once for Jesse and post here what was done? Thank you Jesse, For ever, Granny
I have another question that maybe one of you can answer? My frizzle is about a month old, the two little ones are about a week. I have noticed the frizzle likes to tuck the babies under her wings, the same as my mother hen does with her babies. Is this normal serama behavior? All of my prior knowledge of chickens comes from my other birds (Wyandottes, Black Australorp, Silkie, Rhode Island Red, and my Golden Comets). I have never seen another chick play mommy to younger chicks, usually they pick on the younger chicks. Does this mean my frizzle is probably female? I'm pretty sure she is anyway, but this behavior is very "female"lol. Anybody have any insight? Mostly just wanted to know if this is what I should expect from this breed. I am new to Serama's, but I'm completely and utterly hopelessly in love already
I have another question that maybe one of you can answer? My frizzle is about a month old, the two little ones are about a week. I have noticed the frizzle likes to tuck the babies under her wings, the same as my mother hen does with her babies. Is this normal serama behavior? All of my prior knowledge of chickens comes from my other birds (Wyandottes, Black Australorp, Silkie, Rhode Island Red, and my Golden Comets). I have never seen another chick play mommy to younger chicks, usually they pick on the younger chicks. Does this mean my frizzle is probably female? I'm pretty sure she is anyway, but this behavior is very "female"lol. Anybody have any insight? Mostly just wanted to know if this is what I should expect from this breed. I am new to Serama's, but I'm completely and utterly hopelessly in love already

I haven't seen that behavior amongst the Serama chicks, but I have no problem mixing ages. I can put new hatched chicks with month old chicks, and the older ones don't hurt the youngest ones.

Don't know how well you can see in the pics, but normally I can't even see the little two cause they are right under the frizzle's wings! It's the cutest thing, just never seen it before. They sit under her or on her back all the time too! I say her but I don't actually know that she is a she!

Don't know how well you can see in the pics, but normally I can't even see the little two cause they are right under the frizzle's wings! It's the cutest thing, just never seen it before. They sit under her or on her back all the time too! I say her but I don't actually know that she is a she!
Very cute! Is the frizzled chick actively seeking out the younger chicks to mother? (in which case you might have the youngest broody in history!
) Or is s/he just sweetly letting them nestle under? (which is evidence of the wonderful Serama temperament) Either way it's stinking cute! My rooster would let the little ones climb on him or snuggle under, so it's not impossible that your frizzle is a male.
You know, I'm not completely sure. I think it is mostly that the little too just follow the frizzle everywhere and do exactly as "she"does. They eat when the frizzle does, they drink when the frizzle does, and they sleep when the frizzle does! I would probably say that the little two seek her out and she just goes along with it. Question.. At about a month old would a male serama normally start showing signs of being a rooster, such as the comb getting larger and starting to get red in the comb and face area? The breeder I got the frizzle from said she suffered the frizzle was a pullet because of the small comb and the mothering behavior. She also said that serama are fairly easy to sex at around that age because of the combs and what not. I know from my other chickens that it's not always accurate but as I said I have no prior experience with serama.

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