American serama thread!

Well Gramps, I candled my five eggs this morning and am absolutely astounded. All five are developing. Incredible! To have eggs shipped from Florida to Wisconsin ... I really had no real hopes they could make the trip and still be viable; at least not all of them.

I believe it's the way you pack them. WOW!

Fabulous news!
We had still better remember that old advice about how to count chickens.
My new climate control storage methods may also be a factor in our success so far?
The First Class shipping could also have some benefits beyond cheap cross country delivery.
I think tossing a 12 ounce package with less mass than a larger 2 pound box might result in less force transferred to the eggs due to less inertia when the package comes to an abrupt stop?

The biggest drawback to using First Class is that you need to fabricate two boxes of a fairly precise size.
I made blocks of wood that I use as jigs to pre-measure and bend the cardboard.
My new climate control storage methods may also be a factor in our success so far?
The First Class shipping could also have some benefits beyond cheap cross country delivery.
I think tossing a 12 ounce package with less mass than a larger 2 pound box might result in less force transferred to the eggs due to less inertia when the package comes to an abrupt stop? Most definitely.

The biggest drawback to using First Class is that you need to fabricate two boxes of a fairly precise size.
I made blocks of wood that I use as jigs to pre-measure and bend the cardboard.
I also candled my smallest hen's eggs (her first eggs), two of the ten had died. Not a good start, but not unexpected due to the age of the hen and the rooster.

You mentioned Alfie in one of your PMs. Which bird is Alfie-the avatar??
My avatar is Peanut, my first Tribble roo.
2 of the roos who Fathered your eggs look like Alfie.
He's got a trio with Gracie & Beverly.

Very nice-wonderful. Your PM mentioned that two of the rooster were like Alfie. Why I asked. If I should be so lucky, I'd be thrilled to have Tribbles like Alfie, Gracie, and Beverly. The others in the PM too.
Gyda hatched an additional chick.
I put Deanna & the other 2 chicks back with the main group.

It looks like 2 hens I want to use as broodies are finally cooperating.
One hen is on eggs from Alfie's trio. The other is on older eggs I will swap out for Worf & Powder eggs.
Worf's mate has laid her 4th egg.
Powder's trio just produced their first egg.

Gyda hatched an additional chick.
I put Deanna & the other 2 chicks back with the main group.

It looks like 2 hens I want to use as broodies are finally cooperating.
One hen is on eggs from Alfie's trio. The other is on older eggs I will swap out for Worf & Powder eggs.
Worf's mate has laid her 4th egg.
Powder's trio just produced their first egg.

I set 26 eggs, broke one, and candles on day 7 today. 5 weren't fertile (only 3 were from my birds and they were all over 2 weeks). So I have 22 going strong!

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