American serama thread!

I set 26 eggs, broke one, and candles on day 7 today. 5 weren't fertile (only 3 were from my birds and they were all over 2 weeks). So I have 22 going strong!

That is great!
I am impressed with the fertility since most of the eggs were from the middle of March. I have one developing that was layed on 3/18

With the right conditions chicken eggs will keep for a month or even a bit longer. The two week idea is just a guideline. However I would never want eggs to get that aged if it can be avoided; fresh is better!
With the right conditions chicken eggs will keep for a month or even a bit longer. The two week idea is just a guideline. However I would never want eggs to get that aged if it can be avoided; fresh is better!

Of course! I was just collecting eggs and then set the date back a little bit. I set those eggs just to see how long my fertility would last. I kept them at room temp the whole time.
Ok I'm caught up, I had a hen go broody yesterday. I have one of my own serama eggs in there plus 8 from shahtir101. Super exited for chicks!
I had a hen go broody today, so I transferred 10 eggs from the incubator for her to sit on. I have her all the eggs from herself, so she will have all her biological children

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