American serama thread!

I am very interested! I would personally prefer trios, however if you sell pairs I would be willing to do that as well! I do live in Wrangell Alaska zip 99929 and shipping is almost always more to have things shipped here, I don't mind that at all part of living rural I suppose lol thank you!
I just looked up shipping to Alaska! I was pleasantly surprised it was not more.... $90 for 2 day priority express hold for pickup. By the time you and the weather are ready, I should have a nice selection of birds and have an idea of the ones I am keeping and which ones are breeder show quality and which ones will be pets.
It would be so cool to get good bloodlines up to Alaska!!! Welcome to the Serama world!!!
that is not bad for shipping a trio of birds! i am excited to see what you have. if you could private message me your prices that would be excellent!

The eggs that I ordered which were stuck at the post office over a 3 days weekend are doing great. I just threw out 2 early DIS and 1 unfertile. The others are doing great.

While the eggs which came two days later had a dismal rate. out of 8 or 9 of those I have 3 left developing.

I did not handle the eggs, just left them in the turner tray and stuck a light on top real quick, pulled the bad ones and closed the door back on the incubator. I have 13 good which are still developing and 9 which I tossed out. Hoping to get 6 or 7 hatch

The eggs that I ordered which were stuck at the post office over a 3 days weekend are doing great. I just threw out 2 early DIS and 1 unfertile. The others are doing great.

While the eggs which came two days later had a dismal rate. out of 8 or 9 of those I have 3 left developing.

I did not handle the eggs, just left them in the turner tray and stuck a light on top real quick, pulled the bad ones and closed the door back on the incubator. I have 13 good which are still developing and 9 which I tossed out. Hoping to get 6 or 7 hatch
How long do seramas grow? If I have a 3 month old serama, will it get larger or just heavier as it matures? At what point do you know it's finished growing as tall as it's going to grow?

Out of the 4 I bought locally my youngest little girl is so tiny, I swear she hasn't grown a peep and she's close to 3 months old now. None of the 3 month olds seem to have grown either.
How long do seramas grow? If I have a 3 month old serama, will it get larger or just heavier as it matures? At what point do you know it's finished growing as tall as it's going to grow?

Out of the 4 I bought locally my youngest little girl is so tiny, I swear she hasn't grown a peep and she's close to 3 months old now. None of the 3 month olds seem to have grown either.
I have seen them develop up to a year! they mostly "fill out" their backs sometimes shorten up and more of a full high chest-sometimes a little leg length. You can usually tell if a bird has potential and about what "size" it will be by 6-9 months though.

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