American serama thread!

I know, they sound like crickets, right?! Drives me nuts. I hung a fleece blanket around my brooder in the garage. Everybody's warm and happy in there.
I had a folded old bed sheet, I guess that's not enough? Oh well, I'm already resigned that they will spend this winter indoors with us. They don't take hardly any room, but my Sultans better be ok outdoors, they're getting too big! They didn't get any light either, LOL. There are 9 of them though, they all huddle together in the orner (never using the roosting bar?!?! So i hope that the numbers will keep them warm outdoors as soon as I finish that coop! I have not been working on it because I'm still doing stuff in the house to get ready for Xmas. My tree is standing, but still has no decorations on it! Yikes, time is flying on me!
I've had my Barney in a Rabbit hutch ever since Fred beat the crap out of him. I had to put a heat lamp in there, and hung a heavy sleeping bag over the front. It almost stays too warm in there. I'm always afraid of the bulb blowing and them freezing. I can't bring even 1 more chicken in the house. I have the brooder in my 2nd living room, and DH built me 2 mini coops in the basement. One side has a pair of D'Uccles, and the other has the 2 new Seramas. It's temporary until Spring, but oh the plans I have for Spring....
Mine are in the very ugly teen stage. Oh, their feathers look awful. I'm gonna post individual pics in a day or two for sexing opinions. I swore I was only keeping the hens, but we really love Noel, and know he's a roo, so he'll be staying. There is only 1 out of the seven that I'm confident is a girl. The others, I'm not so confident...
If anyone plans to buy blue Serama's in the spring, be sure to check with me, my friend Ruth has a very nice group to make some super nice blues this spring.

Here is a hen she got from me and she already has a nice blue cockerel and black hen.

If anyone plans to buy blue Serama's in the spring, be sure to check with me, my friend Ruth has a very nice group to make some super nice blues this spring.

Here is a hen she got from me and she already has a nice blue cockerel and black hen.

Is she selling eggs, chicks, adults?

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