American serama thread!

How big is the average Serama hen? I had a large fowl as a house pet yes I'm nuts. But sadly lost her but I thought maybe I should go with something smaller but I don't want something my chicken friendly under 20 pound dog are going to squished by accident wanting to play. Mostly this is my mom's fear? Also do you know of anyone who breeds in the northern California by the bay area?
I Think bobby317 is somewhat near you.
Anybody here ever have a Serama rooster who is uninterested in "passing on his genes" with his hens?

I've never had this with any other breed but have two roosters - between 1-2 years old who aren't mating the hens
How are they housed? Are they inside or outside? Have you checked the eggs for fertility?

They are outside. They are under the lean-to on the side of my garage. Both of these roosters are in 4x4x2 foot cages with 2 hens each.

They have roosts, nesting boxes and free-choice feed/water. The hens have been laying slowly for about a month. I have attempted to incubate 30+ eggs from all four hens and none have been fertile. Not even any quitters.
It's possible that they aren't getting enough sunlight? The days are getting longer now, but they've recently been short, and roosters aren't as fertile when the days are short.

There are also a lot of other possible factors.

I suppose. All my other breeders are fertile OEGB, silkies and the other Serama pens are too.

I'll give 'em until April before I worry

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