American serama thread!

pearl my andalusian blue serama pullet

excuse the mess ms fugly doesnt keep house when she is broody..... she is hiding 6 under that caboose

mr mater almost done molting..... my blue brood cock

gabby and son sonny
dont mind the poop sonny was afraid of gabby

gabby in all his glory.... he may be old but he has still got it.... best brood cock ever and literally my best chicken friend

Looking good Bill!!!!!!! Party in AZ next week, looking forward to see you, Sue and your boyz/girlz at the show.
Great pics Bill !!

Smoothmule- How fun!!! I love hatching day.... but I usually have a hatching day hangover the next day, from staying up too late watching the incubator. LOL.

I'm having sooooo much fun watching Brooder TV tonight...... My sweet mama Jenny is doing a fabulous job with 4 babies, only one of which is her own (judging by eggshell marks)... and I'm not exactly sure which one it is.. I have it narrowed down between two...??

The one standing on the water dish is a rusty orange color. What does that turn out to be?? I'm about 99% positive it came out of a mystery egg that was in a box of birds that came from Jerry, that I stuck under her. I don't have any orange or pumpkin in my flock.

I am really beginning to appreciate the whole broody hen thing, over the incubator. These four chicks are doing SO well, with nothing more than just mama hen.

You are way ahead of me in the hatching dept.....I am still waiting for my hens to go broody. Hencubator is the best!!!!! Btw, I checked out yours website yesterday and I liked it.
Hey guys! I had another little black silkied serama pop out of its egg. They're doing great! Very spunky little things. I am noticing a GIANT type improvement this year in my offspring which I am absolutely stunned by. I wish I could post pictures!! I have three little tiny silver things - no idea what they might be (besides one which is a silver ginger - all pullets) - but they look like they have a giant sprig of a tail coming out of the back of their heads. I'm very excited about them. I'm positive they are going to have very short backs, great wing set, and lovely upright tails. I can't wait for them to grow up! One of them is named Min. It was born on Thanksgiving and is the same size as my month olds. Tiny! I hope everyone else has some wonderful surprises in their flock this year. Happy hatching!
GORGEOUS BIRDS, KEN! I would have posted last night but BYC wigged out on me. I couldn't even reply to private messages! I was so mad.

Sorry about the double posts, guys. Sometimes they can't be helped.

Ken - those birds have type AND color. They are still very young. Seeing as how stunning they are right now, they are going to be extremely tough to beat in any show you enter them in when they're finished growing. Let me know which shows you'll be taking them to so I don't enter my birds and get my butt handed back to me in a paper sack, LOL!
It's SO tough to get the right type AND color in your flock. You must be extremely proud of your accomplishment. They are absolutely gorgeous. I can't wait to see what else you have hiding out there in your flock!
Anyone interested in getting the cocoapops CORRECT? Ken is the man.
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Seramas truly are chocolates....and i LOVE chocolates. Well, all except for the vanilla creme kind. It's so hard to say whether the bold layers of color on Austin is nicer or the delicate lacing effect on the hen. Both lovely!

Three days til lockdown! Hope I get some Serama from this hatch or I'm going to have to wait until I get a pair in May (hopefully) from Jerry.

Patience is NOT one of my strong points.

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