American serama thread!

You will be able to tell when their wing feathers come in. The silkied ones will have a more shredded appearance. The chicks are different colors because they will grow up to be different colors. :) Seramas tend to give you a bit of a rainbow.

Hi, I am kind of new to this... but i have a silkie serama hen who hatched out 6 chicks. How do you tell if the chicks are going to be silkie like her? Also she is a black hen, and the rooster was a smooth black breasted red. Why are 5 chicks yellow and 1 chick is brown???
Well, I apologize. I have not been on in ages. Busy with kids, work, etc.....I have my plans drawn up for my Serama House I will be building this summer (I want it NOW!!!).

I will pop in from time to time to see how all are doing. I talk with many of you on FB now too.

My Serama family is growing. Hatched some chicks from Castle Delights. Bought some birds from Stephanie Flanders...those 2 hens are now setting on eggs. I hatched some eggs from Jeannine from OR.

And yes....I still have Bumble. She actually has laid her first egg. NO we will not be hatching..she is no-where typey...other than in personality and huggable. She represents seramas well as a house bird.

Hi All:
And any Newbies:
Well, I apologize.  I have not been on in ages. Busy with kids, work, etc.....I have my plans drawn up for my Serama House I will be building this summer (I want it NOW!!!).

I will pop in from time to time to see how all are doing. I talk with many of you on FB now too.

My Serama family is growing. Hatched some chicks from Castle Delights. Bought some birds from Stephanie Flanders...those 2 hens are now setting on eggs. I hatched some eggs from Jeannine from OR.

And yes....I still have Bumble. She actually has laid her first egg. NO we will not be hatching..she is no-where typey...other than in personality and huggable. She represents seramas well as a house bird.

Hi All::frow  And any Newbies:  :welcome

Kisses to Bumble on her first egg! Way to go girl. :cd As far as I am concerned pet quality is the best quality...:yesss:
Artsy- how is ruth today? any better?

she was puttering around normal today- hubby said she was pacing in her cage so he got her out with a dish of food and water and she seemed fine- so not sure what was going on last nite- feel sorry for boaz, did try him with a duccle/cochin hen, she put him in his place pretty quick, poor confused boy...she's twice his size
she was puttering around normal today- hubby said she was pacing in her cage so he got her out with a dish of food and water and she seemed fine- so not sure what was going on last nite- feel sorry for boaz, did try him with a duccle/cochin hen, she put him in his place pretty quick, poor confused boy...she's twice his size

Robin, Ruth misses Boaz, that is why she was pacing...poor girl....give her lots of TLC/snuggle time. BRAVO miss hen for telling Boaz whats what!...She probably said: "Buster if you don't play nice....WHAM" :cd :lau

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