Americauna Crowing Hen or Rooster?

They aren't Ameraucanas, they are Easter Eggers.

$4 and $6 is very cheap. I only buy birds that are over 12-14 weeks old, that way I KNOW I'm getting pullets, however, I do have to pay a lot more for them.
What is the difference between Ameraucanas (guess I was spelling that wrong, OOPS!) and the Easter Eggers? My birds are so tame that they will perch on your shoulder like a parrot. My daughter runs through the back yard and they run after her. She can man handle them. Poor Berry even once experienced baby doll clothing
I always assumed it was because she handled them from such a young age. Well at least out of 4 birds I have one that I know is a hen. In the end that one hen was $20 plus feed for the last few months.
Ameraucanas are a purebred breed and only come in 8 colours according to the SOP (standard of perfection).

Easter Eggers are usually Ameraucana or Araucana crossbreds who lay a coloured egg - the colour can range from blue to green to even pink hued.

Purebred Ameraucanas are only sold by breeders - TSC and other supply stores like them sell Americanas (note the spelling), which are Easter Eggers.

No big deal really, if all you are after is a pretty chicken that'll lay a coloured egg.
One is a pure breed and the other is a cross. They both still lay green or blue eggs.
Neither are purebred Ameraucanas.

One classic characteristic of EE's are green legs. Not all have green legs, but most do.

Ameraucanas have slate coloured legs - here's a link to pics of Ameraucanas from the National Club.

As for how much a 12 week old pullet would cost, I wouldn't know as I don't live in America.
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Thank you for the information. They do all have green legs! They are also VERY smart compared to the Wyandottes and Leghorns that I have.
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We are in a similar situation. It just dawned on me that one of our 5 month old americaunas (or EE?) is a boy. He/She has a dark pink comb, is larger, and has always been more aggressive, and stands off to the side when I bring treats out (letting the ladies eat first?). A few days ago, he bit down on a barred rock's neck and mounted her. Finally, today, he looked directly at me and cock-a-doodle-dood! What are your expert opinions? And should I worry about fertilized eggs? We have 10 chickens altogether and 4 are laying. The picture below was from 2 months ago.
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That is it! NO more buying birds from Craigslist! Is this a breed that is harder to sex then others? I was told that Silkies are hard to sex however I purchased three 6 week old chicks from a man in town who rubbed the combs and sexed them. They all turned out to be hens just as he said. I re-homed them after they got broody.... all 3 of them at the same time. The girls have to earn their keep around here.
Wow. You re-homed the broodiest known breed for being broody? That IS how silkies earn their keep! I can't believe it! And you got them sexed reliably at 6 weeks and still rehomed them? Amazing. Do you know that all you need to stop a broody is a bird cage?

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