Americauna... males or females

Hi there! I have two who look just like these. They are about 13 weeks old and seem to change daily! Can't decide if mine are pulleys or Roos. I'll be watching this.
The one with red on the wings is definitely a cockerel. The blue, I can't tell, since the pictures are a little blurry. The comb is certainly prominent, but it can be on some hens. But there may be some saddle feathers that can determine maleness or lack thereof if there aren't any.

By the way, your birds are what is known as Easter Eggers. An 'Americana' is a made up name, just how hatcheries butchered the name of the breed Ameraucana, to make people think they were getting a recognized breed rather than a hatchery made mixed bird. No hatchery sells actual Ameraucanas or Araucanas, unfortunately.
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The red one is an Easter Egger (not Ameraucana) cockerel, absolutely, positively no doubt about it. The other looks male, but the pics are too blurry. I don't need to see any combs, just saddle areas, but I'd say male for the blue one, too.

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