

Bird of A Different Feather
11 Years
Dec 20, 2008
Boise, Idaho
lol! made you look!

I do know how to spell Ameraucanas but wanted to get an experts attention. lol
ok, so I realize that my AM's are not true to breed, not show bird quality and . . . gasp . . . from a hatchery; I had no idea about any of the issues when I bought them, but have since learned a lot. My question is this, of my lovely Am fakers that came from Xtreme in Texas; one has turned out to be rumpless! Do you think this is a throw back to early days or would they really be breeding in Araucanas? Her "beard" goes from ear to ear. Are there other rumpless breeds that may have been crossed in to produce this? Just curious. Thanks in advance!
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I gotta admit; That gave me a good laugh!!!

I saw it and I though "Oh no...." LOL.

I agree, we need pictures. Is she truely rumpless, or have all her tailfeathers been picked out? I once bought a RIR pullet; all her tail feathers had been picked out, but i was convinced she was rumpless!!! (Although, that was when i first had chickens...)
my rumpless look more smooth....have you felt it? looks like the feathers are just missing
. interesting......
there is a way to feel for a bone, just don't know how to tell ya

I'm sure Jody will help ya
I agree the rumpless feathers do not stop short like this hen appears. They are usually even flowing over the backside. Did you buy her as a chick or started bird? The feathers don't look picked, but almost broken off or snipped. It's hard to tell by the photo, as it's not very close. You can definitely feel the tail bone if she is tailed.

Here is a pic showing the smooth flow of the rump plumage.

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