Amish Friendship Bread Starter Recipe

Thank you for your detailed instructions. I had been confused on what to do with day 10 when we give out the bags to friends. I didnt know if those friends were sopposed to add the remianing ingrediants and bake it or start back over with day 1-2. I looked and looked and couldnt find any logical answers that addressed both aspects. You explained it so well, they can choose either one. Totally cool!

My kids and I will have fun experimenting with various falvors to bake for the holidays. Im even thinking about baking some up as winter treats for my chickens. I might end up doing that. They love treats like that. To save money Id omit out certain ingrediants which would make the flavor more bland but I dont think chickens mind that! LOL.
Bj Bobbi Jo,

I had the same problem when I first got it. I asked my friend "well, what if I want to keep two bags to bake with and share one with a friend and then keep the fourth bag going, what do I do then?" and she shrugged and said "I don't know, I usually just bake on day 10 with one bag and give the rest away." So, I had to experiment for a few years and finally I came up with the details which explain what to do in those situations. As I mentioned above, I prefer to separate into SIX bags instead of four. It is much less yeasty that way
. Enjoy!
Dumb question...... do you refrigerate it or let it sit on the counter for the 10 days? I noticed it had milk in it and wasn't sure.....
Not a dumb question at all. You are NOT supposed to refrigerate it. I'm not a chemist but something to do with the yeast keeps the milk from spoiling.

BTW I graduated from MHS back in the 70's and 1/2 of my family still lives in Mesa

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