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Hillbilly Rooster

10 Years
Apr 16, 2009
Middleville, Michigan
I am starting this and will be on vacation and check on it a little.

Hope this is the right thread but everyone will get the point.
Just informed that if you have any guns you may want to get your ammunition know. Not to scare anyone but there is hear say that a offical organization is buying the supplies for your bullets. The reason is because they cannot take your firearms.

Has anyone esle heard this?
This doesnt make me happy I am a hunter and I know that some organization is happier than heck and they are helping. I believe that animals should not be badly and that they should be treated the way you want to be treated. But I am not a tree %$#@% or part of People Eating Tasty Animals.

Sorry if I offend anyone. We have no rights anymore. There is a lot of us that abide by the law and love to hunt. Know we can use are firearms as bats!!!!!!!!!
That's interesting... I'm curious to see what others will post. I will also run it past DH.
I know that .22 long rifle in the store are drying up and the gun stores will only allow you to buy 3 bricks of 100 count. Just because of there other customers and the other stores are out.

I am going to be stopping in little towns on the way down to Alabama and picking stuff up.

You can call me paraniod but I enjoy hunting and want to teach my children that you can do what you like by the law.

Last I knew we are in America. And I fought for the country and the Flag for 10 years of my life from 1995 to 2005 and this is the thanks.
I have heard the same thing. I know Sportmans wharehouse here cannot keep any ammo on the shelf. It sells out within hours. I hope this is just a rumor, but it has been going on for some time so I kinda believe it.
I'm more inclined to believe that the shortage of ammo is a result of everyone urging everyone else to "stock up while you can!!!" Given that people haven't traditionally bought box after box of ammunition just to have it, instead having bought it as needed with no worry that it might not be there, it would stand to reason that suppliers probably aren't equipped to handle the volume.. As such, supplies run low. When demand is high and supply is low, prices go up!

My guess is that once everybody's satisfied that they've got enough -- or that it's starting to get a little bit "tinfoil hat"-ish to shell out big bucks to buy ammo everytime they see it -- ammo will start piling up on shelves big time...

I'm looking forward to the clearance sales, personally.
Seems to be a good thought and with everything the way it is. It is still not a bad Idea get what you need. But when you have people that usually wait for a sale looking for the things they need and the stores say well cannot keep them in stock. There seems to be slight problem.

Then my friend who owns a gun store cannot get there orders completed for another 4 to 5 months. There is something a little fishy.

I am going on vacation and I like the mom and pop's sporting stores so I will be asking them. I will get more information and not just from Michigan.

I have heard from friends out in California that does target shooting that are having problems and they are in clubs that buy in bulk.
I'm not sure if it is true or simply hype. I've heard ALL this year by ALL the local hunters to buy as much ammo as you can because mr. obama is going to push to raise the prices on the ammo so high, that many people would not be able to afford. I believe the only number that comes to mind is raise the prices by 800%. Whether this is true, or a rumor perpetuated by sportsmen and those of us who dislike mr. obama, I'm not sure.

Around here, everyone has panicked and buys the ammunition as the trucks roll in. People are buying them by the cases and hoarding them. Any time you have mass amounts of hoarding the industry is going to have a tough time keeping up.

The solutions? Sadly many are poor solutions and usually more of a hassle than driving to your local store and buying a box of bullets. I know that my husband is looking into learning how to refill his own ammunition. Both as a hobby and just a great skill to have.

I think if it comes down to government control of ammunition, people will simply go back to making and reusing their own. I'm sure I may be severely simplifying it, but all a bullet is is a casing, powder, and a lead tip, correct?

All in all, it is a pity the way the government even considers such strict control of gun use and ownership. One of the many reasons our country was never outright attacked was because many households owned at least one firearm. To take away firearms or the ability to use firearms through strict control of ammunition is setting the country up for failure and weakening it against attack.

And that is only on the large scale, we cannot forget about the many people who use firearms to humanely destroy predators and unwanted animals. A few friends of mine in Alaska, say that when it comes to euthanizing an animal or dog, that they use 1-2 bullets to the head. One of these friends actually worked with the humane society, so instead of gassing or euthanasia for unwanted animals they simply used a couple bullets to the head. The animals didn't care, shooting is quicker, the only factor in the equation to care about the means was the human pulling the trigger.

You take guns away from farmers and poultry keepers, you are only going to make the animals suffer more. Humans are smart and creative beings, if they want something done, it is going to be done. People will begin using bows, or snares, or traps and drownings, or poisons. No how is poison any better than a firearm?!? To me it is worse, at least the person behind the trigger can decide where and what the bullet is going after, a poison is just thrown into an area and anything attracted to it is a victim. Hunting dogs will come more into use, personally I prefer to just flat out shoot something, but with your hands and guns tied, you have no choice but to choose a more cruel method. "What, mr. government? I can't have a firearm, fine then, I'll have a big bad pack of dogs that will tear to shreds anything I set them on. OR I'll simply use Golden Malrin or some other extreme poison to kill any creature that comes across my backyard"

Now look, you have me fired up first thing in the morning! LOL

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