Amputated wing


Mar 21, 2019
Gresham, Wisconsin
It's been 3 weeks since I started treating Stumpy's amputated wing. I rescued her from a want-a-be homesteader that just threw her back into the flock without treatment.

She been doing great. She eats and drinks. She's even gain weight. She was malnourished when I took her.

My question is, how do you tell if the wing is healed? There wasn't any skin to grow over it (it appears that she was attacked by a coon). Her feathers have grown back but you can still see the bone. She acts like a normal chicken just can't fly of course. I read that it that's 2 weeks for it to heal but that was with skin growing over it. It doesn't appear as if she will ever have skin over it. Anyway, she's and another chicken I've been treating has been waiting very impatiently to rejoin the flock. But I'm not sure if I should let her. I'm only keeping Hope in the hospital coop to keep Stumpy company. She had a prolapsed vent.

I would like to put Stumpy and Hope in with Hope's original flock I rescued her with. They've been separated from the main flock since I got them a month ago. I'm still waiting for that flocks feathers to grow back. Would it be safe for Stumpy and Hope to rejoin Hope's flock. Here's a pic of what her stump looks like now.


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Have they been near the others this whole time, where they could see each other? If not, then house them right next to the flock so they can be near each other.

Integrations can sometimes go smoothly or not.
The other hen, is her rear/vent still exposed and red looking or has she feathered out?
Have they been near the others this whole time, where they could see each other? If not, then house them right next to the flock so they can be near each other.

Integrations can sometimes go smoothly or not.
The other hen, is her rear/vent still exposed and red looking or has she feathered out?
They lay next to the hospital fence where the others lay on the other side. The others are free ranged. There's a group lays on the other side of the fence and chats with them. The one that had the vent problem still hasn't feathered out but the group they would be joining is the one they came from and they're feathering out too. They all went into an early molt.
Stumpy and Hope have been with the molting flock for a few of days now. The hens don't any attention to Stumpy. Stumpy hasn't come out to mingle with the others. She just sits by herself under the hutch. She was more social when it was just her and Hope together in the hospital coop. The hospital coop is much larger than the ' quarantine coop is much larger because it is my German Shepherd's run, my flock sees him as their protector.

Anyway, the conditions of the place I rescued Stumpy from were deplorable and she seemed happier in the ' hospital ' coop.

I was wondering would be a better idea if I took the 11 hens from the 'quarantine' run put them all in the 'hospital' run? My thinking is maybe she would feel more comfortable with those surroundings and maybe start socializing with the others since she comfortable there. I'm wondered because I haven't seen her eat or drink since the move to the other coop. What are your thoughts on this?

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