An angry, out of state family member called CPS on me...

I dont know if you should tell them you are moving or not Quail...whats the other place like? THey may to have to see that too if you bring it up!

I would not give them ANY info that they do not need to know.
IF they press you about where you are living now (if they find a problem with your house now...which i know they wont!)..THEN..i'd maybe say..'we'll we do have a place we looked at last week.." etc..
Know what i mean? Do not give them ANY more info then you have too. But by all means, I would cooperate with them as much as possiable. Remember, you have that other company(Help Me Grow) to help you out also. THey have never reported you in all those think she may just have to do a quick look around..and ask a few questions and then they'll leave you alone.
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Oh I know all about having false reports filed against you. My ex did that many times while we were going through custody. Basically he didn't want to pay child support, but would rather have the kids. ????? Thank god he didn't get them.

He hasn't had anything to do with MY kids since. That was 4 years ago.
Wow! All I can say is I am sorry what you are going through. I feel really blessed that we have not had to go through what you are dealing with.

I pray that God gives you the wisdom with what to say and do with your appointment tomorrow.
Ok, CPI's have a job to do! Having all this bitterness and not letting them in looks REAL bad! if you have nothing to hide, what's the problem?

Once they see that the allagations are false your inlaws can be brought up on charges. This might work to your benefit.

Having chickens in a brooder is not illegal(inless chickens are illegal where you live) Make sure your house is clean and the kids are clean. Sheriff's usually acompany them when they come out, but not all the time. They can take you kids but they are trying to have 1/2 the cases by 2010 and are using family builder programs. The goal is to keep them in the home!

They will not just gather evidence to get you! they are there to investigate!! Imagine 'IF" there was abuse??? i am sure there isn't but if they just "went away" they could be in trouble.

Play this for what it is worth. Act surprised, saddened, confused~ It makes you look like you don't know why they were called. Then cry....admit the fued between the inlaws and ask "HOW DO YOU GET HELP" to protect your family~

Like i said, this could work out for your benefit if you play your cards right~
Best of luck~
proud foster mother who works with DCF, CPS, CPI's and placement agencies
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I know there are false reports. But Child Protective Services actually have a job to do - and in my direct experience, have done it.

I am a teacher in CA and am required to report any suspected abuse. I have had to call 3 times, and each time it tore me up and the school's guidance counselor was there for me - FOR ME, because it tore me up to have to make the call.

The one that sticks for me - I was standing in the hall as the students entered the classroom. One of my students who tended to hang out in my room after school with various friends stopped in front of me on her way to lunch. She asked to talk to I got the class started and stepped out to talk to her, with the door part way open of course.

She told me that her friend, not my student, but one that I had seen in my room, had a problem. When I asked she told me that the friendl, "Y" was being sexually attacked every night by the brother of "Y". I was stunned, shocked, and sickened. I called the office, got coverage, talked to my school Social Worker, filled out the forms and called CPS.

They were there before the school day ended and the brother of "Y" was removed from the home. "Y" and the grandmother were given a lot of help.

I was left shaking and crying. I did the right thing, I know I did, but it still shook me up completely.

There were two other times that I had to call, nothing quite as dramatic, but CPS does have a role and I believe that most of the time they do the right thing.
Well, I already know what the allegations are, and the only thing on the list that was true was a half truth (said I had farm animals in the house, pooping on the floor. I have chicks in the house, in an enclosed brooder, they can't fly out).

I've already met the lady once, as she showed up last Wednesday. She left because we were on our way to Physical therapy for my husband.

She wants to come back, because she said, and I quote, "We have to come in the home this time so we can see why this person keeps reporting you." This is the 2nd time this family member has reported on us.

Now, we participate in Help Me Grow, and our Home Service Coordinator has seen all of my kids from birth. She's state mandated to report anything she sees in the home. The last time we were reported, which was 4 years ago, they just talked to our Home Service Coordinator.

This time, I said they can't come in the home unless my Home Service Coordinator could be here, too. So they set up a time, 10 am on Monday. By Friday I had changed my mind. I told her no, because the allegations are false, my children's doctor records are confidential, and I'm not going to allow them to violate my HIPPA rights. She replied that they aren't the ones who violated my HIPPA rights, the one who reported us did. Then she said she'll be going to the prosecuting attorney next and getting a warrant to come into my home.

Then she said if we don't cooperate, and they take it to court, then my Home Service Coordinator from HMG will not be allowed to be here when they come, and they will come with the sheriff.

They have no court order, they have no search warrant, etc.

She said she has to see the children, doesn't need to talk to them, just needs to see them.

You may not like this but...

By resisting so much, you're making them think the alligations are correct. If you truly have nothing to hide, let them in! If a social worker shows up, and you refuse to let them in, they can get a warrent, and it's possiable that they would be allowed to interview your children without you there. If you just move and drop communication they MUST assume you are doing wrong, and then it's thier job to find your kids and protect them, from you. Once you are reported you have no rights really, any you think you have they can go to court and have them removed, so is it worth fighting to lose your kids because you put up resistance?
Well, I already know what the allegations are, and the only thing on the list that was true was a half truth (said I had farm animals in the house, pooping on the floor. I have chicks in the house, in an enclosed brooder, they can't fly out).

I've already met the lady once, as she showed up last Wednesday. She left because we were on our way to Physical therapy for my husband.

She wants to come back, because she said, and I quote, "We have to come in the home this time so we can see why this person keeps reporting you." This is the 2nd time this family member has reported on us.

Now, we participate in Help Me Grow, and our Home Service Coordinator has seen all of my kids from birth. She's state mandated to report anything she sees in the home. The last time we were reported, which was 4 years ago, they just talked to our Home Service Coordinator.

This time, I said they can't come in the home unless my Home Service Coordinator could be here, too. So they set up a time, 10 am on Monday. By Friday I had changed my mind. I told her no, because the allegations are false, my children's doctor records are confidential, and I'm not going to allow them to violate my HIPPA rights. She replied that they aren't the ones who violated my HIPPA rights, the one who reported us did. Then she said she'll be going to the prosecuting attorney next and getting a warrant to come into my home.

Then she said if we don't cooperate, and they take it to court, then my Home Service Coordinator from HMG will not be allowed to be here when they come, and they will come with the sheriff.

They have no court order, they have no search warrant, etc.

She said she has to see the children, doesn't need to talk to them, just needs to see them.

You may not like this but...

By resisting so much, you're making them think the alligations are correct. If you truly have nothing to hide, let them in! If a social worker shows up, and you refuse to let them in, they can get a warrent, and it's possiable that they would be allowed to interview your children without you there. If you just move and drop communication they MUST assume you are doing wrong, and then it's thier job to find your kids and protect them, from you. Once you are reported you have no rights really, any you think you have they can go to court and have them removed, so is it worth fighting to lose your kids because you put up resistance?

This I would have to agree with after hearing a little more about the situation. Being in foster care, I've had CPS called on me by biological parents. Imagine their surprise to walk into a group home full of teenagers.... sigh...... It's really crappy what the IL's are doing, but hey, let CPS, and your sheriff c'mon over and tell them that it'll be the final time you play along nicely and when you find out who keeps sending them out on wild goose chases you'll be forced to take legal action. (although you already know its your IL's)
Uh, I do believe the entire country has the same constitutional rights, correct? Child protective services is NOT EXEMPT from the constitution. I have a constitutional right to privacy, and they can only violate that right if they have a search warrant. No one, not the police, not cps, NO ONE, can get a search warrant to come into your home unless they have physical proof that you've done something criminal.

I can't believe how many people believe CPS has that much authority over anyone! They are still people, who have to follow the same laws we do!
QA, I just found this thread, and I am so very sorry you are haveing to go through with this! What is REALLY sad, is the effect this will have on the children, THIER GRANDCHILDREN! Jeesh... I will say a prayer for you hun, that it all blows over, and fast!
There is no constitutional right to privacy (read your constitution). A search warrant requires evidence; not necessarily physical evidence.

You have a right to require a search warrant, and there are many who believe that the idea of "if you have nothing to hide, let them in" abridges everyone's freedom. Too often CPS is mired in secrecy, which should not be the case in a free country.

Making a known false accusation should carry hefty penalties.

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