An egg a day for a month - then two days with no egg


Dogwood Trace Farm
8 Years
Jun 3, 2011
Middle Tennessee
My ancona is my only white egg layer - so it's easy to know when she lays an egg. Since she started laying on July 25th, she has laid almost an egg a day - like clockwork - usually between 8:30 and 9:30 each morning. Yesterday, although she sat in the nest box for a long time, she didn't lay an egg - and then she sat in the nest box for a long time again today - but so far, no egg today either.

I've read that changing seasons, molting, temperature and lots of other variables determine egg laying. However, I can't think of anything that's different now than it has been the past month. She only started laying a month ago - so it's not time for the 10-week slump I've read about.

I have a small coop/pen - and I've checked every inch - no eggs hidden anywhere. And when I let them out to free range for an hour or two each afternoon, I stay with them the entire time (because of predators).

It has me puzzled - although I figure it's just one of those things, and when she's ready to lay again, she'll do it. But I thought I'd throw it out there anyway and see if anyone had any insight.
You know, that does happen with many hens. Right now, in fact, I've got an Olive Egger hen (she's very large, part Marans) and she hasn't layed an egg for a week. Her eggs are a beautiful olive green.....I've been hoping for that special egg nearly every day.....

I do suspect she's laying it in the woods, even though she layed in the coop quite faithfully at first......I've even kept them locked up longer.....

Don't be discouraged, she will lay again. They just take breaks sometimes.
Thanks, Sharon. I think I bragged about her too much! LOL! I kept telling my husband that she was the most reliable layer we have - always laying between 8:30 and 9:30. She must've heard me and decided she didn't want to be taken for granted. Guess she showed me! I think I'll take her some frozen fruit - or maybe mealworms. That'll make her happy.
i have the exact same thing happening to one of my hens right now. she was laying like crazy, then one day she stopped. we've gotten 2 eggs in the last 2 weeks, and today she keeps running into the coop like she's gonna lay, waits a long time, and nothing! i can't figure it out...and of course she's my only one that has started laying so far, so i'm constantly checking the laying boxes. this is enough to drive me crazy!!

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