An egg in my run!


May 13, 2018
Yesterday evening I introduced 8 laying hens into my younger flock. All is going well and everyone is learning their new pecking order, but I do have some small "issues" I need some advice with!
My older hens will not go in the coop on their own so I make sure I put them in at night, and today during a storm they were all just standing outside- even after putting them in the came back out.. Anyone else's chickens just hang out in the rain? I was under the impression that they didn't like water and didn't like to be wet, yet they were all out scratching and hanging out while it was raining.
Also, I found an egg in my run today and one on the floor of the coop! I didn't think they would be laying so early because I thought the move would be stressful and they would have to readjust. Is it possible that these eggs were already in production before the move yesterday and they just laid them today in random places, kind of like they just *had to go* or are these girls just ready to lay? :idunno
Any advice is appreciated!
More information. Silly word semantics, but these words are important. Are these actually hens (over a year old) or pullets (less than a year old)? I'm guessing you have pullets, and it's not uncommon for those eggs to show up anywhere, especially if they are new to the flock, new to the pecking order, and perhaps not quite comfortable pushing to the front of the line to get their dibs in on the favorite nest box. New layers are still getting the kinks worked out, so may drop an egg any where.

When layers are moved, they will often lay the same day, or the next day, then skip a few days while they get acclimated to the new flock and set up.

As for birds and rain, most chickens love a gentle rain. It brings the bugs out, so they spend their time gorging on the bounty provided by the rain. A hard rainstorm should send them running for cover.
More information. Silly word semantics, but these words are important. Are these actually hens (over a year old) or pullets (less than a year old)? I'm guessing you have pullets, and it's not uncommon for those eggs to show up anywhere, especially if they are new to the flock, new to the pecking order, and perhaps not quite comfortable pushing to the front of the line to get their dibs in on the favorite nest box. New layers are still getting the kinks worked out, so may drop an egg any where.

When layers are moved, they will often lay the same day, or the next day, then skip a few days while they get acclimated to the new flock and set up.

As for birds and rain, most chickens love a gentle rain. It brings the bugs out, so they spend their time gorging on the bounty provided by the rain. A hard rainstorm should send them running for cover.
We took them in from my in laws and I believe they are actually hens, if not then they are close to that age. I have no other laying pullets besides these eight that I just got yesterday. I have eight different nesting boxes, but I have yet to see any of my birds over there. Possible that they weren't sure of where to go?
I was startled when I saw all of them outside scratching around while it was raining, they looked so wet but had no desire to come into the coop! I didn't know that they would be or during the rain.
Thank you for your help!
Just wanted to add that I just went out to freshen up the nesting boxes (since I wasn't able to earlier due to all the rain) and found three eggs in the nesting boxes! One was crushed, but I've put new bedding in the boxes (even though they've never been used prior) and am hoping that they'll grow accustomed to using them!
What are you using for bedding in the boxes, how deep is it? Also a pic of your boxes so we can help with any problem solving. Sometimes nest box design or set up results in fractured eggs. Could you tell if the shell was strong? Are you giving them oyster shell? I provide OS and feed egg shells back to flock, even if they are on layer.
Just wanted to add that I just went out to freshen up the nesting boxes (since I wasn't able to earlier due to all the rain) and found three eggs in the nesting boxes! One was crushed, but I've put new bedding in the boxes (even though they've never been used prior) and am hoping that they'll grow accustomed to using them!
That means you're doing something right! They've been there what, less than 24 hours? and they're already laying ... and in the right place?
Some of mine like to be out in the rain.

How many younger birds and what is their age?
How big is your coop, in feet by feet?
The new birds may not be are not homed to the coop after only one night in there and may be being pecked at if they try to enter....that may be why they are out in the rain.
What are you using for bedding in the boxes, how deep is it? Also a pic of your boxes so we can help with any problem solving. Sometimes nest box design or set up results in fractured eggs. Could you tell if the shell was strong? Are you giving them oyster shell? I provide OS and feed egg shells back to flock, even if they are on layer.
Pine shavings because I have an excess of them and are trying to use them up before switching to something different-still exploring my options on that. The boxes are 12x12x18 (18" deep) with a 3" lip so that I can make the bedding deep enough for them.
The crushed egg seems like a mishap- it was in the corner of the box. The shell was strong, no worries there.
I've also started crushing the shells and giving them back to the flock along with free-choice oyster shell.
I was reading a forum yesterday about someone who keeps all of their mixed flock (which I also have ducks and turkeys) on a 20% crumble but provides the appropriate grit, OS, etc. free-choice. What are your thoughts on that? In an ideal world, I'd love to be able to just buy one feed for all of my birds then give them the appropriate grit and OS!
Some of mine like to be out in the rain.

How many younger birds and what is their age?
How big is your coop, in feet by feet?
The new birds may not be are not homed to the coop after only one night in there and may be being pecked at if they try to enter....that may be why they are out in the rain.
All of my chickens were in the rain, not just the new ones. I have 19 birds that are 12 weeks old- mostly cockerels but they are separated from the rest of the flock and will be processed soon. The older laying girls were put in with my 5 pullets that are not laying yet.
My coop is 15'x25', the run is 50'x75'.
I've had to go out the past few nights and pick up the birds and put them in the coop, which I had to do with my younger birds. I'm thinking they'll figure it out sooner or later.

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