I got my first set of chicks back in mid March- 3 Barred Rocks, a Sultan, and a 4 month old Silkie. I was determined to make them friendly and tame. I put them all in a laundry basket several times a day and held them all in my lap to pet them. They loved to be wrapped in "chicken blankets", which was a old flannel sheet cut up and thrown over my lap to contain the poop! I babied them and did this until they were too big to contain in my lap. I continued to handle them every time I went out to check on them.
Now at around 5 weeks, the Barred Rocks climb all over me when I take the screens off the brooders and I can hold them as much as I want. Success! The Silkie and Sultan are much more shy and take some extra coaxing, but will fall asleep in my lap if I hold them and pet them. Olive, the Silkie was very skittish when I got her. I know she hadn't been handled as much as I was asking her to be handled before I got her. She was just in a pen with other Silkies her age. She's taken awhile to warm up to me, but will fall asleep easily in my lap and makes the sweetest noises when I pet her.
Fast forward to my next set of chicks- 2 Golden Laced Wyandottes, which I brought home about 3 weeks after the BRs, and an Americauna. I didn't baby them, as I didn't have as much time. They are still just as tame as the earlier brood! I gather them all up and let them play outside a few times a week, and they climb all over me like the older chicks. I can put my hand in the brooder and none of them run away. When I come into the garage to visit them, they peep and run around when they hear my voice. They are as tame as can be! Maybe it's just the breed? It's been very interesting to see how I've had the same end result with completely different handling of each brood.
I started bringing my youngest chicks- a Buff Orpington and a California Gray in the house like I did the first brood. We'll see how tame they become! Please share your experiences in chicken taming. I'd love to see what others have done/not done to make their chickens enjoyable backyard pets.
Now at around 5 weeks, the Barred Rocks climb all over me when I take the screens off the brooders and I can hold them as much as I want. Success! The Silkie and Sultan are much more shy and take some extra coaxing, but will fall asleep in my lap if I hold them and pet them. Olive, the Silkie was very skittish when I got her. I know she hadn't been handled as much as I was asking her to be handled before I got her. She was just in a pen with other Silkies her age. She's taken awhile to warm up to me, but will fall asleep easily in my lap and makes the sweetest noises when I pet her.
Fast forward to my next set of chicks- 2 Golden Laced Wyandottes, which I brought home about 3 weeks after the BRs, and an Americauna. I didn't baby them, as I didn't have as much time. They are still just as tame as the earlier brood! I gather them all up and let them play outside a few times a week, and they climb all over me like the older chicks. I can put my hand in the brooder and none of them run away. When I come into the garage to visit them, they peep and run around when they hear my voice. They are as tame as can be! Maybe it's just the breed? It's been very interesting to see how I've had the same end result with completely different handling of each brood.
I started bringing my youngest chicks- a Buff Orpington and a California Gray in the house like I did the first brood. We'll see how tame they become! Please share your experiences in chicken taming. I'd love to see what others have done/not done to make their chickens enjoyable backyard pets.