an off topic, less moderated 18+ section?

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Free Ranging
8 Years
Jul 2, 2015
My tiny house in Powell Missouri
Just a thought. other forums have a section for adults that isnt moderated as heavily, usually its in the off topic section. I believe that having a place to express ourselves and have regular old conversation would be very beneficial. Not only would it help keep some of the banter out of various threads it would give those 18+ a place to be that was theres and we could debate real issues without fear of it getting out of hand and offending certain peoples sensibilities . For example religious talk is not supposed to be allowed according to the byc forum rules but you have many religious threads, they would all be at home in the less moderated section.. just a thought
a child cant sign up for an account a parent has to... if they lie in the sign up byc is not liable and can always ban people for lying about there age if found out later. other forums do it no problem

@Melky not supposed to talk about drinking, religion, politics.. keeping those things separate from them will make sure they arent being influenced by ideas that there parants might not want them exposed to. the list goes on
a child cant sign up for an account a parent has to... if they lie in the sign up byc is not liable and can always ban people for lying about there age if found out later. other forums do it no problem

@Melky not supposed to talk about drinking, religion, politics.. keeping those things separate from them will make sure they arent being influenced by ideas that there parants might not want them exposed to. the list goes on

Drinking has no place on a chicken forum. Religion belongs in your church discussions. Politics has no place here be sensitive to others and not a safe topic. I am an adult and I would like the site to be on topic and family friendly. No offense.
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