An update and a question

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I can't find a good butchering photo on Google. @U_Stormcrow, do you have any photos that you can use to point out what's what?
I haven't taken any, sorry. All my photos are either parts still in place, or ready to bag up - heart trimmed, gizzard split and cleaned, liver separated from the gall
Here's my butcher post, it should be sort of self explanatory. Top picture is skin removed, organs in place (that's the gizzard at top), second photo is most organs removed, testes visible - it was a roo.The kidneys are the red bits under the membrane, either side of the backkbone. Third pic is liver (gall removed - its the radioactive green sack you do NOT want to rupture), heart (trimmed), gizzard (split and cleaned).
Thanks! Is the heart the smallest thing in the first pic with the organs out?

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