Just thought I would post a picture update of my little flock.
They are now about 2 weeks old! Its been great so far. No health problems, but Norris the Barred Rock seems to be developing very slowly compared to the RIRs. I think it is a breed thing.
They are getting a bit too big for the box brooder, so I am hopping to find a larger container for them.
1 week ago...
First time in my lap
Exploring the toilet...
Photoshoots: Butterscotch
Sweet Pea
Raspberry (possible roo...)
Enjoying some feed...look at all the pretty wing feathers!
Not interested in yogurt. "Mom, whats that poo lookin stuff in your hand?!"
More pics to come! I will try and get some individual snapshots soon!

They are now about 2 weeks old! Its been great so far. No health problems, but Norris the Barred Rock seems to be developing very slowly compared to the RIRs. I think it is a breed thing.
They are getting a bit too big for the box brooder, so I am hopping to find a larger container for them.
1 week ago...


First time in my lap

Exploring the toilet...

Photoshoots: Butterscotch

Sweet Pea

Raspberry (possible roo...)

Enjoying some feed...look at all the pretty wing feathers!

Not interested in yogurt. "Mom, whats that poo lookin stuff in your hand?!"

More pics to come! I will try and get some individual snapshots soon!
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