Ancona Duck Breeders in Texas?


In the Brooder
Apr 25, 2016
United States, Texas
I was looking at breeders of ancona ducks but I found none in Texas, so I was wondering if there are any ancona duck breeders in Texas. (This out of curiosity and for possible future purchases, I'm not looking into purchasing any ducks immediately)
I was looking at breeders of ancona ducks but I found none in Texas, so I was wondering if there are any ancona duck breeders in Texas. (This out of curiosity and for possible future purchases, I'm not looking into purchasing any ducks immediately)

Where in Texas are you? I will have some next year. I highly reccomend learycow, my broody Ancona hatched 9 babies from shipped eggs from her.
I see this thread has been inactive for a year, but any chance you found someone in TX? I'm near the DFW area and been looking for female Ancona ducklings to add to my flock with zero luck. Trying to find 3 total and would be happy to go to 4 if somehow a tricolor was an option (1 black, 1 chocolate and 1 lavender/lilac/blue). Understand I'd pay a premium for sexed and happy to do so as I can't go straight run as I have no drakes with my flock and not looking to add one. This is the last breed I am missing from my flock and struggling to find options outside buying 2-3 yr old birds that I don't know the history of. Thanks for any help or options anyone might provide.
I'm not in TX but still breed and can ship.
I have anconas due this month and scheduled to hatch next month. Unfortunately I can't sell females only but can guarantee a fun color assortment
Thanks for the offer (I am following your FB page), but I can't go the straight run route as my current 10 are females only so trying to find someone who might offer sexed females. I am happy to pay a premium for this if that is ever an option, but I completely understand why you have your policy. Trying to find the combo I am looking for by the end of fall if that is possible but happy to wait until next spring if that's what it takes. Really trying to avoid the craigslist route as we have had bad experiences with Chicken sellers in the past. Thanks again for reaching out and if there is ever an opportunity to come to some sort of deal, please let me know as I've only read great things about the ducks you offer.
Thanks for the offer (I am following your FB page), but I can't go the straight run route as my current 10 are females only so trying to find someone who might offer sexed females. I am happy to pay a premium for this if that is ever an option, but I completely understand why you have your policy. Trying to find the combo I am looking for by the end of fall if that is possible but happy to wait until next spring if that's what it takes. Really trying to avoid the craigslist route as we have had bad experiences with Chicken sellers in the past. Thanks again for reaching out and if there is ever an opportunity to come to some sort of deal, please let me know as I've only read great things about the ducks you offer.
I always remind people that you can rehome or eat (though that's not for everyone!) extras that end up as males or simply ones you don't have space for!

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