Ancona ducklings-color question?

I still think the gray one is a blue :)
The other might be penciled. Looks too light to be chocolate. Could also be a tri color. We will have to wait and see! Please post pics as they grow!
The gray one might be blue, or lavender. I would have sworn on blue in the first pics, but the more recent ones he looks like the color has warmed up some.

The 'milk chocolate' one might be the 'lighter chocolate' Holderread describes in Storey's Guide. I don't know the genetics of it, or how it interacts with blue - maybe the gray guy carries the lighter chocolate too and that's why his color seems hard to pin down.
You've got a black, a chocolate, and two tricolors. One is blue-based, probably blue fawn, and the other is chocolate-based, so probably a lot like the one in picture #2 right behind it. It will likely be pencilled the same, notice how their down is very similar. It will be a shade lighter though.

I hatched two baby ducks, from wowsa farm, and I don't know what color the one on the right is. It has a khaki -ish color on her bottom, and her legs almost greenish looking markings. The owner of wowsa farm said that it may be pied, but I can't find a picture of a pied ancona to compare it to.

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