Ancona Ducks

My son got his Ancona ducklings in June from Stromberg's. 3 of the 16 he received are chocolates. There is some nice green/blue/purple sheen showing up in the black feathers of the others. We're wondering what kind of markings/pattern is desired for Anconas? What do you look for when deciding which to keep/use for breeding if we would choose to go that route? He's also wondering when they start laying eggs & how often they lay. They're about 9 weeks old right now. Here are some pics from a couple of weeks ago.

My son got his Ancona ducklings in June from Stromberg's. 3 of the 16 he received are chocolates. There is some nice green/blue/purple sheen showing up in the black feathers of the others. We're wondering what kind of markings/pattern is desired for Anconas? What do you look for when deciding which to keep/use for breeding if we would choose to go that route? He's also wondering when they start laying eggs & how often they lay. They're about 9 weeks old right now. Here are some pics from a couple of weeks ago.

Asymmetrical markings with spots on both bill & feet are preferred. Somewhat more upright than pekins, but not as much as runners & look similar to a chubby runner in size.
Asymmetrical markings with spots on both bill & feet are preferred. Somewhat more upright than pekins, but not as much as runners & look similar to a chubby runner in size.
So does the amount of markings matter? A number of the ducks are heavy on the black -- almost solid in places. What about on the chest? Should it be white or have markings?
i am new to the Ancona breed. BUt I have subscribed to the idea that breeding a less 50% color with a more than 50% color brings a well balanced random duckling. I agree the best part of Anconas is the uniqueness of each bird. I just wish they were recognized by APA.
Markings under the eyes and Markings on the chest should be included in your breeding as it is desired. One part color to two parts white is a general ratio to keep in mind as long as you have broken asymmetrical markings. Breeding ideal marking to ideal marking is most desirable. If you breed heavily marked to under marked you may hatch a few ideally marked ducks, but you are passing on the traits for over and under marking to come out later.
Focus on getting color on the chest, that's the hardest to do. Broken color is preferred over solid color, BUT if you breed a Magpie-type (homozygous extended black) to a Runner-type (no extended black), you will get all ideally marked birds (heterozygous extended black). Breeding ideally-marked to ideally-marked birds (two hetero birds), you will get 25% Magpie-type (homo. birds), 50% ideally-marked, and 25% Runner-type (no extended black). Yay for genetics! LOL
Focus on getting color on the chest, that's the hardest to do. Broken color is preferred over solid color, BUT if you breed a Magpie-type (homozygous extended black) to a Runner-type (no extended black), you will get all ideally marked birds (heterozygous extended black). Breeding ideally-marked to ideally-marked birds (two hetero birds), you will get 25% Magpie-type (homo. birds), 50% ideally-marked, and 25% Runner-type (no extended black). Yay for genetics! LOL

Interesting. Being new to Ancona's is Magpie vs Runner-Type a visual thing ie markings or is this type? Do you have pics you can post to clarify this?

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