And we have our first egg!

Most of my chickens start laying when they are about 8 months old depends on when you get them if they start laying the first year I don't keep lights in my chicken house so mine stop laying around late november or december and got my first eggs Jan 31. It also depends on what breed of chicken they are.

Got a surprise this morning. One of our hen has refused to go in the coop for two nights. We don't do a head count we just figured she was in the coop before lock down and two nights in a row have woken up to her outside the coop. This morning the wife called and said she lying where the house and fireplace make a corner and wouldn't move. Right then my Irish wolf hound showed up and scared her off. Turns out she's been laying for quite some time under and old wheel barrow. Guess my $700 chicken coop is just not her style. happy to see these sky blue eggs form her though as she is almost a year old and this is the firat egg from her. She is a non show quality Americauna.
All three are laying now and Julie is laying light blue eggs yay!!!! Salt started laying when she was 18 weeks then pepper at 18 1/2 weeks and Julie 20 weeks
also 2 of my ducks are laying happy days!!!!
We have our first egg from a chicken we got in December that was POL back then. She disappeared back into the coop with another chicken we bought back at the same time. She was in there for about 2 hours. I went to go and check on them and she was in the nest. When they both resurfaced I went to check especially as she seemed very vocal when she came out. I couldn't see it at first but it was hidden under the hay.

This is our first chicken to lay, so our first egg EVER!

So excited as thought this day was never coming, it felt like a lifetime waiting!

And here it is, it was from a Spekledy hen so a good chance it could of been speckled, however, this doesn't seem to be, unless those very faint purple marks are them. Any thoughts on this?


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