Angel wing in ducks, & how we wrap to mend it - Pictorial

My duckling is acting weird it looks like it's gasping for air and if I leave it out on the floor it would flop on one side I give it water and I feed it bread and corn please help I don't know what to do
Bread and corn are not what a duckling needs. The duckling has a severe nutrient deficiency, and possibly infection.

Please get some chick starter crumbles, preferably nonmedicated. But if all you can get is medicated, get it.

Also - get some brewer's yeast. NOT baking yeast, or winemaking yeast. Brewer's yeast is a vitamin supplement. Add one tablespoon of brewer's yeast per cup of starter crumbles.

Always have water available, with food, 24/7.

You need to get that right now.
It is am option of food. There are crumbles and pellets. Add water or a little milk to your crumbles this will help your duckling eat them. But yes. Always have water available with the food. Good luck!
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Crumbles are food for ducklings and chicks - easier for them to eat than pellets, which are for older birds.

Feed stores carry them. You can probably make a few phone calls and look online to find some.

If you know anyone with ducks or chickens, they may have some they can give you till you get your own.

And in the meantime, like, tonight, a hard boiled egg, mashed fine, smooth like peanut butter, maybe even with a little water added. Give a spoonful in a cup to the duckling, and make sure there is water to drink also.

Ducklings need food with water 24/7.
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I don't know how active this thread is, but someone from a different angel wing thread sent me here. My duckling has upright feathers on both wings and i noticed it a few days ago. Last year our ducklings got it but it went away after a few weeks. The duckling in question is a little over one month old. Should i wrap it now? Or should i wait and see if it goes away on it's own? I'll see if I can take a picture of her. I don't want her to go through the stress of being wrapped if it's not actually angel wing.
I don't know how active this thread is, but someone from a different angel wing thread sent me here. My duckling has upright feathers on both wings and i noticed it a few days ago. Last year our ducklings got it but it went away after a few weeks. The duckling in question is a little over one month old. Should i wrap it now? Or should i wait and see if it goes away on it's own? I'll see if I can take a picture of her. I don't want her to go through the stress of being wrapped if it's not actually angel wing.

A photo would help. My Runners occasionally got weird looking wing feathers as ducklings but things righted themselves within a few days.

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