Angry Brahma


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jan 1, 2012
does anyone else just have a mean brahma the tries pecking you every time you get near it? uhh, mine does. shes only about 3 months old, but whenever my hands are near her (even if im not trying to touch her) she pecks at me!
im almost 100% shes no pure, but all i've heard from people who have brahmas is that their friendly, and docile (shes also at the top of the pecking order) . I'm just wondering if anyone out there is in the same situation i am in
thanks in advance
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Very unusual for such a young hen to be so aggressive.. are you sure she isn't a he? Even so.. how do you approach her? Every time you see her, do you walk up behind or infront of her and try to pick her up? Do you sit down with a handful of yummy treats and let her come to you to eat? Look at it from her perspective.. are you a chicken eating monster who stalks and tries to grab her? Or are you the food dispenser of all things yummy and wonderful?
My 2 yr Barred Rock hen will peck me untill I pic her up and pet her or give her treats. I think your girl is looking for your attention.
Maybe she is just looking for treats or attention. They are good for that! I've never had an aggressive Brahma not even the Roos.
Thanks everyone.
Whenever i go out i usually give them some scratch to munch on. They are basically free range birds but have a coop they are in, in the mornings (12pm) and evenings (6pm). It's not only her she gets defensive about, but the others as well. Shes definitely a hen. when they were smaller they pecked at almost anything, the others grew out of that, but she just pecks at shoes, pants and skin!
All five of my Brahma hens are at the lower end of the pecking order. None are aggressive in the least. My Brahma roo (GRHS), however, took three bites out of my granddaughter just before being invited to dinner. I had never seen any sign of aggression from him before that day.

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