Angry broody hen

NY Coturnix

May 12, 2020
New York
I have a hen that is currently setting, per my count she's on about day 26. She was kind of on and off for a couple days prior but I started counting when I noticed she wasn't roosting. She's in a corner of the coop that I've blocked her off so that the Tom can't get to her but other hens will occasionally go set right next to her. Ones been setting with her for the last couple days and she doesn't seem to mind the company. I check on her each morning and afternoon when I'm feeding and then closing up the coop. She typically gives a chirp and kind of a nervous what do you want type look. Today when I checked I got more of a hiss and she nailed me when my hand got to close. My intention is to remove the poults and brood them but I'm thinking that may be a little more of a challenge that I had thought it would be. Is the hissing and aggression a sign its getting close?
I have a hen that is currently setting, per my count she's on about day 26. She was kind of on and off for a couple days prior but I started counting when I noticed she wasn't roosting. She's in a corner of the coop that I've blocked her off so that the Tom can't get to her but other hens will occasionally go set right next to her. Ones been setting with her for the last couple days and she doesn't seem to mind the company. I check on her each morning and afternoon when I'm feeding and then closing up the coop. She typically gives a chirp and kind of a nervous what do you want type look. Today when I checked I got more of a hiss and she nailed me when my hand got to close. My intention is to remove the poults and brood them but I'm thinking that may be a little more of a challenge that I had thought it would be. Is the hissing and aggression a sign its getting close?
Why don't you want her to take care of them?
I have a hen that is currently setting, per my count she's on about day 26. She was kind of on and off for a couple days prior but I started counting when I noticed she wasn't roosting. She's in a corner of the coop that I've blocked her off so that the Tom can't get to her but other hens will occasionally go set right next to her. Ones been setting with her for the last couple days and she doesn't seem to mind the company. I check on her each morning and afternoon when I'm feeding and then closing up the coop. She typically gives a chirp and kind of a nervous what do you want type look. Today when I checked I got more of a hiss and she nailed me when my hand got to close. My intention is to remove the poults and brood them but I'm thinking that may be a little more of a challenge that I had thought it would be. Is the hissing and aggression a sign its getting close?
Yes she probably has poults or at least pips. They turn into cobras when they have poults. They jump on my head when I steal poults.
R2elk doesn't have as much problems as I do, so I guess it depends on how difficult
I have a hen that is currently setting, per my count she's on about day 26. She was kind of on and off for a couple days prior but I started counting when I noticed she wasn't roosting. She's in a corner of the coop that I've blocked her off so that the Tom can't get to her but other hens will occasionally go set right next to her. Ones been setting with her for the last couple days and she doesn't seem to mind the company. I check on her each morning and afternoon when I'm feeding and then closing up the coop. She typically gives a chirp and kind of a nervous what do you want type look. Today when I checked I got more of a hiss and she nailed me when my hand got to close. My intention is to remove the poults and brood them but I'm thinking that may be a little more of a challenge that I had thought it would be. Is the hissing and aggression a sign its getting close?
I know when the poults are hatching because the hen will start talking to the poults as I approach. If you have a hissing snake, I recommend wearing a coat and gloves.

I try to position the hen at my back when stealing poults. A wing to the face is not fun.
Well yesterday I went out to check and when I went in the coop she left the nest. There were 5 under her but 2 were dead I'm not sure if they were crushed or what happened they were very dried out so I assume they had been there for a day or so. I figured it she was going to leave them I'd take my chance so I grabbed the 3 and took them inside. I have a brooder that I just set up because I have an incubator going as well. While I was inside I quick set up a small incubator and grabbed the rest of the eggs(15). I wasn't sure if she'd come back and seeing the 2 crushed ones I didn't want to chance it. One hatched within an 2 hours of me putting it in the incubator and another over night. I did find her setting back where the eggs where this morning but there were no eggs. She got right up when I came in and filled up the water and feeder.

Will she lay anymore this year or do you think she's probably done?
Well yesterday I went out to check and when I went in the coop she left the nest. There were 5 under her but 2 were dead I'm not sure if they were crushed or what happened they were very dried out so I assume they had been there for a day or so. I figured it she was going to leave them I'd take my chance so I grabbed the 3 and took them inside. I have a brooder that I just set up because I have an incubator going as well. While I was inside I quick set up a small incubator and grabbed the rest of the eggs(15). I wasn't sure if she'd come back and seeing the 2 crushed ones I didn't want to chance it. One hatched within an 2 hours of me putting it in the incubator and another over night. I did find her setting back where the eggs where this morning but there were no eggs. She got right up when I came in and filled up the water and feeder.

Will she lay anymore this year or do you think she's probably done?
She should start laying again. I’m sorry about your chikies.
Well yesterday I went out to check and when I went in the coop she left the nest. There were 5 under her but 2 were dead I'm not sure if they were crushed or what happened they were very dried out so I assume they had been there for a day or so. I figured it she was going to leave them I'd take my chance so I grabbed the 3 and took them inside. I have a brooder that I just set up because I have an incubator going as well. While I was inside I quick set up a small incubator and grabbed the rest of the eggs(15). I wasn't sure if she'd come back and seeing the 2 crushed ones I didn't want to chance it. One hatched within an 2 hours of me putting it in the incubator and another over night. I did find her setting back where the eggs where this morning but there were no eggs. She got right up when I came in and filled up the water and feeder.

Will she lay anymore this year or do you think she's probably done?
She should start laying again but the eggs won't be fertile unless she gets bred again.

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