Animal Control visited me today, of all days!

Oh Hi QA!!!

It is a bit of a walk down the street to see me. And your cup of coffee would get cold during the trek.

I had thought about moving to Toledo a while ago. They have a great doctor there that specializes in Dysautonomia (name for my group of probs.) But I found a doctor that I used to work with in Seattle had experience with someone in the past, so I am now in good hands.

I have only flown into Cincinatti on my way to Evansville once. But it was sure beautiful there from what I could see from above. No other experience with Ohio other than having a BiL from there. I wish I lived close enough to get a hug in person. Thanks.
Ohio is a nice enough state, I guess, though the economy is not at it's best.

I'm still praying for you, and who knows, if I'm ever out your way, or you're out mine, you might just GET that hug in person!
Here is the link to the article that followed the meeting last night. I have also noticed that it was written about in the Seattle paper and hit the AP.

Still, there will be more problems and issues to come. We didn't win, we just got a reprieve for now. I will be using the advice of everyone who replied with helpful advice in the next few weeks. Thanks very much.
I can't do much for you but I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.


If you write a letter to the editor of your local paper put in there why you have chickens and list the other benefits of having your flock. Most people are ignorant when it comes to most animals and will agree with the majority but when faced with facts some will come around to your way of thinking.

Unfortunately the older I get the more I realize that's the way the government works. They make these laws and ordinances so vague and confusing that even if you're pretty sure you aren't in violation of anything, you're still not 100% sure. So no one wants to stick their neck out for fear of opening themselves up to persecution. It's really sad. They can run us over because no one feels safe to stand up. I agree, we have to get organized and make a stand!
I live surrounded by rural areas within 1000 feet. We had plans to get chickens this year but I've discovered that I can't because of zoning. My kids are heartbroken and to tell the truth I think I'm taking it harder than they are. I get angrier every time I think about it. The people one block over have cows that come to their back fence and we can't have chickens. I want to fight it for us as well as every other person who has been denied the right to have a few chickens. But shamefully, I'm afraid to. I've never been one for confrontations either. And I know exactly what you mean about not being able to find the words to all of the excellent points you had within your grasp just moments before all eyes were on you. I've only kicked up a little dust so far, and already I'm afraid code enforcement is lurking around the corner taking notes about the height of my grass or the Jeep in my driveway that hasn't moved in a few months.
I wish you all the best! If I'm this upset about losing the possibilty of having chickens, I can't imagine losing ones I'd already grown to love.
So, the latest:

I called code compliance at our city hall today to find out about fences and heights and what not. I spoke to the man there whom I have gotten to know as we are doing some remodeling when we are able.

He gave me the info, and then asked where I was. After giving him my address, he said that he had a couple of other things to talk to me about. Apparently one of my neighbors (pretty good idea who - since she is the only one who had a problem with my chickens - I asked everyone within 150-300 feet.) called and has turned me in for a number of code violations.
Stuff on my porch (boxes for the upcoming sale in 2 weeks)- not a violation to code enforcements mind.
Grass is a bit tall - I have had my friend who mows busy trying to make the coop better for the neighborhood.
And blackberries growing over my fence into the alley - a treat loved and shares by all the neighbor kids.(cut back each year, and allowed to grow during berry season and then cut back again. It has never been a problem for anybody in the past)

He hinted that he thought I might want to prepare for more. The witch hunt has begun. My first thought was the horses tail taking over in her front lawn. But I really don't like the passive aggressive tactics she has chosen, so I will try to deal with the actual perceived code violations and try to keep tackling the other things that I have been focusing on as I am able.

I decided to give my louder two boys some additional time because my nearest neighbor said she is up by 5:30 anyway, and hears them, but isn't bothered by them. I guess they are going to have to go tomorrow for sure. I will be sad to see them go. One of them is my favorite male (I think I may be including human population in the statement as well
) I will miss our little morning dialog. "ErErErrrr" - "Shhhhhh you idiot, it is too early!"
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hey, i had a neighbor call code enforcement on me once. my porch roof was sagging a bit cuz it leaked and the water had come thru and rotted it out. well 1 her SON had done the porch roof, so really?? but also it was just a little patch of thin tiny thin wood type whatever that was warped from the water. well it was a Duplex, so Duh, this ment Her porch roof had the SAME problem. when code enforcement knocked on my door and told me the deal, i said, " so (all completely angel innocent eyes), should i let my elderly neighbor know she should be expecting you too? maybe she'll work with me on fixing it togeather?" he looked at her roof and wrote HER a ticket right then too, and said to me, " dont say anything to her, she should have checked her porch before calling us on you." i Knew it was her anyways, she was angry that i had painted MY side of the fence, but not hers. she could have asked, and i wold have. anyways my lazy ex just pulled the rotted wood off and left the rest exposed, looked hideous and MAN that old lady was Fuming every day about it.
she was so mean she had a premanent frown, literally her face HAD frozen that way!

my point is take heart, when code enforcers come out, just politely point out the tall grass next door completely innocently. just ya know "hey since youre here and i m disabled, i ve been so concerned about blah blah blah, but just cant make it to your office" i know I never got another complaint, lol.
Very good story. Thanks. I am thinking about putting out a flyer to the neighbors explaining that... "I want to be a good neighbor to you all, but am having trouble, because of physical limitation, getting all of the work done by myself. Anybody want to put in a couple of hours making my yard look nice in exchange for a couple of lbs of fresh roasted coffee and some of my extra fresh eggs when the hens start laying?" It would be a way of letting them all know what she did, and that I am concerned. They won't be fooled by the annonomous person any more than I was.
Love it!

Just wanted to say I am voting for you, weaveagarden. We keep chickens illegally here, though no complaints so far. Such bs in my mind. They're chickens for crying out loud. Sigh. Anyway, I'm glad it stalemated and I hope it goes well if it comes up again.

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