Animals are NOT Humans

I miss my grandpa.
I AGREE!!!! It's not like we're going out and killing a...mother deers for no reason...There are rules set out. We don't kill for fun...A opossum got into out coop and killed five of our egg birds and three of our meat, so, we killed the opossom. hawks discovered our chickens, we killed the hawks....It's like if a dog attacked and killed a human, we'd put the dog down...Now, I know humans and animals are WAY, WAY difforent but, you get the picture...
pecking~order :

I AGREE!!!! It's not like we're going out and killing a...mother deers for no reason...There are rules set out. We don't kill for fun...A opossum got into out coop and killed five of our egg birds and three of our meat, so, we killed the opossom. hawks discovered our chickens, we killed the hawks....It's like if a dog attacked and killed a human, we'd put the dog down...Now, I know humans and animals are WAY, WAY difforent but, you get the picture...

I get what your saying pecking and I agree with you​
LOVE the story...I agree about how there is two sides of views...I live on a farm and if it comes to it, i will protect my animals. I don't remember the persons name but above you original post some one was trying to say killing coyotes/opossoms/racoons ect. was wrong. There are WAY yo many of theses animals...due to the sub divisons going up animals are being pushed further and further to over breeding and population... Here in ohio, even though I rarely see then we have ferel pigs, PIGS!!!! That we must hunt, we have way to many dead racoons/coyots/and opossoms dead on the side of the rode. WE HAVE TO HUNT! And when it comes to it we have to kill the opossoms and hawks and any other animal that threatens our INCOME! and our survivel!
I agree with flyman etc. But where I draw the line with hunting, is with sport hunters. Killing just for the sake of shooting something gets my blood boiling and is totally different than survival of one , or protecting ones animals.

Not many of our grandparents would have been sport hunters and likely kicked the you know what out of some one who was doing that near their property. A lot more of their attitudes and insights would likely do this world a lot of good.
I dont agree with sport hunting is a disgrace to our maker..if your gonna hunt ,hunt for the intended reason..i always though of sport hunting as town folk looking for a way out..LOL:D (jk to town folk ,making a joke, please laugh)
after all mcdonalds wasnt around when man was made...the lust of money,lazyness,and selfishness has grounded the majority of us to rely on others to do our basic nessecitys for us..
Can I put in my $.02 on this?...the title of the thread says it all. The animals are NOT humans. I agree with this, and by the same token one cannot attribute animals with emotions and thoughts equal to humans no more than one can get angry at an animal for doing what they were designed to do. Getting angry at the predator was just never an issue for me. Now, getting rid of it is. This is part of the whole chain and balances out the natural cycle. Killing one predator actually provides more food availability for the ones who are left, just like any other species of animal. Killing deer to thin a herd is both wise and humane. Just as you would not put too many animals in one space and expect them to thrive, nature is designed in much the same way. It is only when humans act outside of that normal process do things go awry. Killing all of one species for profit creates a void and an upset of the natural balance. Do not kill enough of a proliferant species and the food supply is not enough and many die of malnutrition and disease.

It is normal and natural for humans to protect their food supply and beyond that, their investments. If your neighbor came over on your land and slaughtered your chickens, would you not get the law involved? Since there is no law to deal with possums who come into the henhouse and eat the breasts off of three of your best hens as they are roosting, virtually eating them alive, one has to invoke natural law. There is no anger or revenge in the process. Its just common sense!
There's lots of 'em around here that kill the deer and only take the head (for mounting), leaving the carcass to rot.
These are the same people that spend upwards of $2000! a year on all the latest deer hunting gadgets that make it less like hunting and more like the deer throwing themselves at you. If you're a good hunter, congrats. If you need $2000 of helpers to bag a deer, maybe it's time you found another sport.

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