Animals to keep to help protect chickens from predators

Most of our chickens ( at this time there were over 500 of them and ive since moved with my 30ish) were in pens that had 6ft fencing all round and those who were shorter than 6ft were all roofed. each cage/ coop was well built ( my father both insisted and built them) so we got lucky. however there were a few roaming ones but they were the flighty type and took to the trees. we had a large sieb husky come in, he easily scaled our 6ft fences and roamed around chasing the chickens. we tried to get into the chicken pens and could have scaled the 6ft ones but he go distracted by the sheep. we were breeding Finnish landrace, a rare breed ( in NZ) he chased the sheep and attacked the healthiest one ( we had one old girl and one with bad lungs) he tore open her back legs, ear and neck. we caught him and called dog control. dog control gave him straight back to his owner..... ( ****** idiots) 2 weeks later he got out again due to an irresponsible owner and came back and mauled her again, doing more damage. this time we wouldn't catch him and he got away. The dog was caught later and given back to the owner ( again) and moved out of the area temporaly. 2 months later he was back in the area after he had been terriosing cats and small dogs and roaming. this time he didn't come back but he was attacking other animals . he was eventually put down. and we got nothing from him in an apology or reperation for the $500 vet costs for this ewe. I agree with the above, sometimes I feel like it should have been shot, and disposed off, even though it is someones pet, they clearly cant control it.

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