Announcing A Brand New Buy Sell Auction System!

Sorry if this has been brought up before. My issue is that after an action ends with a reserve price and it never reaches that reserve the system still notifies the high bidder that they have won the auction with the high bid. I don't think that the bidder should be notified unless they actually win the auction. Reason being is that these bidders will notify me wondering if they have won the auction when the reserve was never met. Then I am the one who has to break the bad news that they didn't win. Thanks for your time!

It is at the end of this post
I would like to strongly suggest that folks who bid on these auctions FOLLOW THROUGH! If you have questions for the seller, PM those BEFORE you bid on the auction! There have been recent complaints of buyers bidding, winning, which closes the auction, then disappearing on the seller---NOT acceptable!
Obviously, the seller will be leaving negative feedback for these buyers and the reputation will be set, so if you want to buy anything through our BSA system, it would be advisable not to renege on your commitments.
Agreed that the bidders need to be serious. When I had one auction up, I had a bidder that let me know after the fact that there was room in her incubator for them that she would have needed to stack those eggs on top of the ones in the incubator!!!!!

Well, those eggs did not get relisted and I used up one of my available postings.

I'd like to suggest that something like this be added to the format of all listings in BSA:

When you are bidding or buying here on BYC, please remember that this is a legal exchange. It is expected that the bidder or buyer complete the transaction and any failure to do so may result in being listed negatively as a purchase or being unable to purchase in the future.

I know this is legalistic and maybe staff could make it more friendly. I think a lot of times folks may decide to bid "for fun" and not really intend to buy... Hope this was helpful.

Thanks and have a blessed day.
Good idea. Until people take it seriously, anyone who is selling things could do it in the auction format so they would have a backup buyers.
You definitely don't have to but it's an idea.
I strongly agree. I had a couple people back out before. It is very annoying. Now that is uses your auctions it is vital that people really follow through.
Please alert the staff to any reneging buyers after giving them a reasonable time to contact you regarding payment, like 24 hours or something.

If you don't get a response, let one of us know and we will send a note to the buyer.

If no response, their name goes on a list and they may have their access to BYC removed.

Then we will delete your auction after you leave feedback so it doesn't count against your limit.

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