Annoying chicken noise! What does it mean?


Feb 21, 2016
I have a hen who paces back in forth along the fence of her run making this loooooong noise! It's so annoying! It sounds like she's stressed or something. There's no grass in their run because they ate all of it. Could she be wanting the grass on the other side? I can't let her free range. What does it mean??
I tried uploading the video but it said the file could not upload. It's like a long whining noise. I live in the city so it's not predators.
It's like bawwwwwwwwwwwwwwk baaaawwwwwwwwwwwk bawwwwwwk bawwwwwwwwwk

It's not like there typical bawk bawk bawk. It's very deep sounding and long
But I can't let her free range
Ah, a discontented hen, and she wants to make sure you know it. I bet she doesn't go on like that unless you show up. Chickens have individual personalities, just like people, and some tend to be more demanding than others. And they learn to whom to direct their ire.

Have you heard of flock scratch blocks? You can get one at the feed store for very little cash, but it goes a long way toward keeping chickens occupied and content.

You can also hang jumbo carrots and cabbages by screwing in an eye screw into the core and suspending it from something overhead. Chickens spend lots of time pecking away at all of these things, satisfying their urge to hunt and peck at large.

I guarantee if you do this, your hen will quit having so much to complain about.
Hoping this link works. I'm having the same problem with a welsummer hen. She has a pretty decent area to roam with a few protected areas overhead, grassy areas, and a garden. She never makes a different noise either and we aren't sure if she lays. Lol. She sounds like a crying baby!
Well the flock block didn't do anything! I'm thinking she wants the grass on the other side of the run! So tmro I will buy sod and put it in the run to see if that's what she's craving lol
If that doesn't help, I might return her to her previous owner. She's very loud and I live in the city and she's very loud and Whiney!
Well the flock block didn't do anything! I'm thinking she wants the grass on the other side of the run! So tmro I will buy sod and put it in the run to see if that's what she's craving lol
If that doesn't help, I might return her to her previous owner. She's very loud and I live in the city and she's very loud and Whiney!
Is she alone?

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