Annual rye grass seed

Mar 26, 2020
Southern Vermont
My duck enclosure is a muddy mess, under trees and grass doesn’t grow well anyway. I want to try some annual rye, i am fairly sure the ducks will eat some, but aside from my seed losses is there any reason I should not use it?
annual rye will germinate in about 2 hours and is really durable once it has taken root.
I definitely think you should try it and let us know how it goes!

I suspect it depends on how large their very big area is, and how many ducks are in there. I have only 3 ducks left in a 30x30 aviary. I split it in 2 and reseed each section with regular grass seed at least once a year. It works great.

Before I split the aviary I tried to reseed with the ducks waddling about all over. A few patches of grass grew, but 95% of what I planted was trampled or dug up by excited bills. Seriously, they spent hours digging up those tiny seedlings. But this was just regular grass, so it might have been different with annual rye.

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