Another ? about my roo


The Great Guru of Yap
Premium Feather Member
11 Years
Aug 25, 2008
The Carpal Tunnel Rehab Center
Lately, before we go to sleep, we go to the coop to turn out the lights, close the doors, etc. Lately my BO has been letting me pick her up, pet her, etc. Last night I went in the hen house and the roo was cornering her behind him. I reached around and got her anyways, but he was not happy at all. Is he a jelous roo?? Is that possible? When I put her back down, he herded her back into the other corner.
Maybe jealousy, maybe trying to protect her. You never know with these roos. I get the stink eye from my alpha whenever I pick up a hen.
He's either protecting them from you, or he's thinking you want to be head roo and take her from him. Either way, he needs to be taken down a peg or two, or he'll start going after you.
My RIRs are 25 weeks old (29 pullets and 2 roos). When I give them their treats in the afternoon I like to pick up a few of the girls and pet them
A couple weeks ago, the dominate roo started really giving me the evil eye and standing about two feet away every time I picked up one of the girls
I'm no expert, but I think he's trying to protect his girlies! I don't think he jealous because he DOES NOT like to be touched (although I pet him on the roost at night when I go in to shut their door)
Buff Hooligans wrote
He's either protecting them from you, or he's thinking you want to be head roo and take her from him. Either way, he needs to be taken down a peg or two, or he'll start going after you.

How do you take a roo down a peg or two?​
Not jealous in the sense that he's not getting petted. Jealous in that you are the top "roo" and get a hen anytime you want and he can't.
Re: taking a roo down a peg or two - Rooster Red has an excellent page called Keeping Your Roosters Sane, on his personal page. It's worth reading and printing off.

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