Another broken/paralysed leg

Nov 26, 2021
Hello. I have a 8.6 month old hen who has a broken/paralysed leg. Seems to be happening a lot to one blood line of my chickens, could be the roosts (planning on a redesign of them).
Anyways, her leg started as a limp and didn’t seem to affect her really - she was getting around fine and had a full crop a lot. But around 2-3 weeks ago it got worse, I immediately put her in a little enclosure but she hated it and didn’t eat anything.
I put her in a larger one and she was happy in there, eating, drinking and foraging. Always got a full crop at night and managed to put herself away in a nest box.
She seemed to be recovering and gaining some more weight (she had lost some without me realising, not too much though)
Then I had to go on a trip since we had already planned and bought everything. I thought that the people who were taking care of my animals would put her back in the large cage since I had told them to
They didn’t, they put her in the small cage and now she is very skinny and her leg is terrible. She is also keeping it splayed
Her wings are fine and she can stand on her right leg, hard to tell if she can use it but she keeps it in normal positions

I’ve moved her into a small box for the day since I just got back yesterday, I fed her some lentils and papaya since she really needed to eat. I’ll try give her some feed and scrambled egg later, she isn’t too fond of feed but she might eat it

Any suggestions on how to treat her or anything?
I’ll get some pictures soon - I currently don’t have a device with a good camera, so I’m waiting to use someone else’s
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Since you mentioned that others of this breed have come down with the same symptoms, there may be an avian virus involved. Did the other chickens with these symptoms die or have to be euthanized due to paralysis?

A few years ago, I lost three out of four pullets to similar symptoms. I had the third necropsied and found it was lymphoid leucosis. Here is my thread which covers all the treatments I tried.
Since you mentioned that others of this breed have come down with the same symptoms, there may be an avian virus involved. Did the other chickens with these symptoms die or have to be euthanized due to paralysis?

A few years ago, I lost three out of four pullets to similar symptoms. I had the third necropsied and found it was lymphoid leucosis. Here is my thread which covers all the treatments I tried.
Yes, all chickens that have had this have had to be euthanised due to them not eating and drinking (generally giving up on life) and fighting when I pick them up making it difficult to tube feed
I’ll read the thread now
And I just realised another of my chickens has a limp, not bad yet and she has a good weight but she has been separated. This other chicken also happens to be this chicken’s sister.
Every chicken I’ve had from my old cockerel have had the most issues (broken leg and organ failure mainly but also chicks hatching the wrong way)
Although my roosts are quite high up and from the bottom to the top they increase height quite steeply.
I have seen these chickens landing wrongly before, this could help.
I’ll change my roosts today, making them lower and a more similar height - any other recommended changes?
If you experience another loss, I would send the poor thing off for a necropsy, just to be sure what you're dealing with.
I’ll see if I can but I’m not sure if there is a place that does necropsy where I am
I could do a home necropsy but I wouldn’t know what to look for
Should I try splint her and the other one‘s injured legs?
Both clearly have the same or similar leg issue so I did immediately think of a disease but she was originally staying in the enclosure that my ducklings and ducks are in. I find it odd that they wouldn’t of gotten whatever she has first, especially since her sister and the rest of my chickens haven’t been around her whatsoever.
I do know for a fact it isn’t my ducks that did this
This is why putting your location in your profile info helps us help you better. Here is a list of all state labs in the US if you live here.


Alabama Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratories


Alaska State Environmental Health Laboratory


Arizona Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratories


Arkansas Livestock & Poultry Commission Laboratory

University of Arkansas Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory


California Animal Health & Food Safety Laboratory System


Colorado State University Veterinary Diagnostic Lab


Connecticut Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory


University of Delaware Lasher Laboratory

Delaware Department of Agriculture- Poultry and Animal Health Section


Bronson Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory


Georgia Poultry Laboratory

Georgia Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory


Hawaii State Veterinary Laboratory


Idaho Department of Agriculture Animal Health Laboratory


University of Illinois- College of Veterinary Medicine

Illinois Animal Disease Laboratory


Indiana Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory at Purdue University


Iowa State University Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory


Kansas State Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory


University of Kentucky Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory

Breathitt Veterinary Center


Louisiana Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory


University of Maine Animal Health Lab


Frederick Animal Health Laboratory


William A. Hinton State Laboratory


Diagnostic Center for Population and Animal Health


University of Minnesota Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory


Mississippi Veterinary Research & Diagnostic Laboratory


University of Missouri Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory

Missouri Department of Agriculture Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory


Montana Department of Livestock Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory


University of Nebraska Veterinary Diagnostic Center


State of Nevada Animal Disease Laboratory

New Hampshire​

New Hampshire Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory

New Jersey​

New Jersey Animal Health Diagnostic Laboratory

New Mexico​

New Mexico Department of Agriculture Veterinary Diagnostic Services (requires veterinarian referral)

New York​

Animal Health Diagnostic Center- Cornell University

North Carolina​

North Carolina Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory System (Raleigh)

North Dakota​

North Dakota State University Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory


Ohio Animal Disease Diagnostic Lab


Oklahoma Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory


Oregon State University Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory

Oregon Department of Agriculture Animal Health Laboratory


Pennsylvania Animal Diagnostic Laboratory Systems tripartite (Penn State, University of Pennsylvania and Harrisburg)

Rhode Island​

No information found

South Carolina​

Clemson Veterinary Diagnostic Center

South Dakota​

South Dakota Animal Disease Research and Diagnostic Laboratory


C.E. Kord Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory

University of Tennessee- College of Veterinary Medicine (requires veterinarian referral)


Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory

Texas State-Federal Laboratory (Austin)

DoD Food Analysis & Diagnostic Laboratory


Utah Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory


Vermont Agricultural & Environmental Laboratory


VDACS Harrisonburg Regional Animal Health Laboratory


Washington Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory (Pullman)

Washington Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory– Avian Health & Food Safety (Puyallup)

West Virginia​

West Virginia Department of Agriculture-Animal Health Division


Wisconsin Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory

USGS National Wildlife Health Center


Wyoming State Veterinary Laboratory

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