Another Broody Duck!



5 Years
Sep 2, 2018
Big Chimney, WV
My Coop
My Coop
I observed the tell tale signs for over a week: A duck carefully covering the two eggs in her nest every morning before running out of the house with the rest of the flock
I removed the two eggs that were laid early in the morning every day, leaving only the one wooden egg…
Monday morning i noticed that she remained on her nest and ignored all calls to breakfast…
She sat on her nest the whole day, even ignored me when i came to collect the other duck's eggs and clean the duck house…

Until late afternoon, when i decided it would be too risky having more drakes hatched under a broody duck, went into the duck palace to remove her from the nest.

But I had done the math without the considering that duck's strong will !!!

When reaching out for her she started to cry like i have never heart a duck crying!
She knew what i wanted to do and she would do everything a duck can to stop me!
She stood over her clutch of eggs, crying, snapping at my hands, pushing me back!

And to me it felt like somebody just pushed a dagger into my heart, no it was a dull spoon, more painful than pointed dagger, and with every attempt to grab that duck the pain grew more intense until…

i caved in! :barnie:he:th

Apologized to the duck and offering her some rare meal-worms as a gift of peace. - She accepted the worms, so i think we have a treaty now?

For those Nay-Sayer's who claim »i would have shown that duck… [whatever]« watch the videos below, i recorded yesterday in the afternoon when i gave her two additional eggs and imagine her crying 100 times worse:
The first egg (green) is from one of Katharina's daughters and the second egg is from one of the White Layers, just curious what will hatch there.
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Part five, You can see how vicious the Momma duck to be is: Those three drakes from the neighbors winter ducklings tried to do - what drakes do this time of the year. And she fought them off! She fought off three drakes! Brownie is twice her size and he retreated…
Apologies, i only caught the end of the rukus on the DuckyCam, but that's enough violence i guess…
I was so worried about this duck: She hasn't left her nest since Monday night and i was afraid she would starve herself to death. But this morning, when i opened the duck house door she covered her nest and stormed out. She dumped a pile of poo, the size of a duckling, ran to the waterer and gulped down what looked like a gallon, dumped again, chick sized and then came to eat cat food.
She has never taken cat food out of my hand, but this morning she did! Lot's of it! Blanca got scared and protested loudly!
After breakfast she exercised, ran over Erpelchen and Brownie, finally hopping into the pool and taking a bath.
Meanwhile i sneaked into the duck house and examined her nest: There were seven real duck eggs plus four wooden eggs inside. She really means it!
I removed the wooden eggs and marked the real eggs, so i will be able to remove any new eggs from now on - like i did with Katharina last summer.
This is the new Momma Duck, right before running back into the house:

I called her »Ducky« or »Momma Duck« so far because she never earned herself a name! I do hesitate to call her Maggie, because that name brought no luck to her two sisters who recently disappeared…

Any idea for a good name?
You think you got broody business goin on...holy smokes the broody dust hit hard at my place.
7 on nests now and one clutch is hatching right now that I didn't expect for a few more days yet 🤦

Just a sample..

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