another duck lost to a coyote


11 Years
Apr 2, 2008
The coyotes are getting very brave. We just lost another female duck to a coyote yesterday. We lost the first one two weeks ago while we were on vacation. We assumed the coyote struck at night, since we left the ducks unprotected at night.

But yesterday, the coyote came in the late afternoon. My husband was outside, adding roosts to the chicken coop, until about 5:30 p.m. He went back out at 7:30 p.m. to make sure everyone was in for the night, and he couldn't find our female duck. The male drake that we bought over the weekend was by himself. So we knew something was wrong since they are always together.

My husband finally found the female's body in the back part of our property. So sad. Just when we found her a partner, too, after losing her friend two weeks ago.

Plus, we found a bunch of white chicken feathers in an area of the pasture, so it seems that they ate a chicken, too.

I kept everyone - kitties included - indoors today. Sounds like getting a shotgun is the next step. The coyotes have to know that they're not getting any more free chicken/duck dinners handed to them, shooting over their heads, if not at them directly!

I have a little boy. The idea of coyotes roaming through our yard in the afternoon is very scary. Not that I'd leave him outside alone, but still. Scary.
you need to shoot to kill, ky (in general is starting to have a coyote problem)
we are starting to see them out during the day
yeah, on second thought, shooting to kill is what's necessary. I'm suddenly of the belief that the only good coyote is a dead one.
Coyotes are beggining to be a problem everywhere,,Shoot to kill,The coyotes are dangerious,They kill small dogs,,fawns,small sheep,cats,chickens,ducks,and they can kill guard dogs,and have been known to attack small children,,shooting over their heads will only make them gun wary,SHOOT TO KILL
ironic - I called my brother, who is a gun fanatic (oh wait, did I say that???), to ask advice on which gun to buy to dispatch the coyote in short order. while I was on the phone with him, driving north on I-65, I saw a dead coyote on the side of the road. that's how abundant they are in KY at the moment. geez.

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