Another eggshell question


Sep 25, 2015
Void where prohibited.
I've been saving eggshells for months now in anticipation of my birds starting to lay.
My questions are as follows:
Do you leave them constant access to them, and if so, what do you feed them out of?
Or, do you mix it in with their food?
Or what?

Edjumacate me please.
Make sure you bake the egg shells first and then you can just put it in a small container and they will know when they need some and will eat it.
The reason I was told to bake them was it alters the taste of them and they won't start eating there own eggs as a result
I would bake it to be safe. I have fed them non baked egg shells and they loved it. I also had no egg eating like they said I would have. I would feed it seperately in a dish or small container.

Hope this helped and that you have a great time with your chickens!!!
I have no issues with chickens eating eggs. I save my shells till I have a bowl full. When I go out to feed, I grab the bowl and take it out with me. toss those shells on the ground, stomp them a couple of times with my boot, and the job is done. No baking, no crushing to get them extra fine. IMO, egg eating is a seasonal, sporadic issue most often associated with the occasional thin shelled egg, or occurring late winter.
I have no issues with chickens eating eggs. I save my shells till I have a bowl full. When I go out to feed, I grab the bowl and take it out with me. toss those shells on the ground, stomp them a couple of times with my boot, and the job is done. No baking, no crushing to get them extra fine. IMO, egg eating is a seasonal, sporadic issue most often associated with the occasional thin shelled egg, or occurring late winter.
Interesting. I think I had some egg eaters years ago with a previous flock before I gave them away. I will pay closer attention with this flock as far as this problem hopefully doesn't happen.
I have no issues with chickens eating eggs. I save my shells till I have a bowl full. When I go out to feed, I grab the bowl and take it out with me. toss those shells on the ground, stomp them a couple of times with my boot, and the job is done. No baking, no crushing to get them extra fine. IMO, egg eating is a seasonal, sporadic issue most often associated with the occasional thin shelled egg, or occurring late winter.

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